
Right. Their brains are fundamentally not working. They’re also self-centered assholes. 

Because the Russians want him taken out.

This is objectively the correct ordering of Chrises.

Jason, will you please stop cancelling these games? This is getting out of hand.

Just curious, what’s the difference between “thick!” and “thicc”?

If Sony fucks this up for PS4 saves, then I am officially done buying games on PS4. This bullshit is really getting frustrating.

As a Rick and Morty, and even Justin Roiland fan, I can honestly say, it is totally possible to have too much Justin Roiland. Any time Lemongrab is on screen in Adventure Time, I have to shut down the sound.

Hello, computer!”

I’ll agree with you on the pointy front, but spoons need to be DEEPER, if anything.

There’s a far more important reason to get larger pizza and that is that it has a higher ratio of good stuff (dough+sauce+cheese+toppings) to boring stuff (just the crust). For a given pizza restaurant, crust size never changes, even as pizza size does.

Is “whoop hog” canon? I love it.

This definitely looks like peak Kojima. 

Which would be fine except for the fact that this idiot has no first language.

I thought I was the only one! I love cute things! I want to just...consume them through super intense hugging and large bites.

Dany, with Jon Snow standing behind her, begins her coronation speech, when Arya comes flying in from seemingly nowhere to stab her. Turns out Tyrion shot Arya at Dany with one of the last remaining giant crossbows (Tyrion needs his redemption arc and Arya needs her green eye prophecy fulfilled...”why not both???”).

I would really really like to find a comfortable easy to way to play something like Crusader Kings 2 in bed like this. The problem is that small text that’s already pushing the limits of my eyes is only going to be ten times worse. I’m looking at you, “My Time at Portia”.

“Nobody must ever see this”

This is ridiculous, but I would readily sign a petition to kick Beniof and Weiss off of the next Star Wars trilogy.

Don’t you mean...BIZARRO Sealab 2021?

I guarantee he’s the most miserable motherfucker on the planet. There’s no way he’s happy. No fucking way.