
I wish I could star this a million times. There is something about that movie I just adore. It is incredibly rewatchable. And Leo is great in it!

DiCaprio and Diaz are two of my favorite actors, but their performances in this movie kind of ruined it for me. I didn’t think it was the finest performance for either one of them. 

I hate to be this guy, and it is not the biggest of deals. But as a person with CP and a civil rights lawyer, I have to say re: Gilbert Grape: We really shouldn’t be using the term disabled person in 2023. Person with a disability (person first language without putting all the emphasis on the disability) is very much

My family has a favorite story about this kind of thing, I think I have told it here before, but this seems like another good opportunity:

I want to be clear that I absolutely do not support fathers failing to do their share around the house or as a parent. Parenting is the most amazing thing ever but it is also hard, so everyone needs to fully commit and pull their weight.

God this is a dumb response. I’m not mad about anything. Do I think it would have been helpful to pay attention to the thing the show he is reviewing is a direct sequel to? Yeah probably.

Let me try to lay this out for you so you understand. I will post from this piece itself.

Here is what i wrote: “Because this game has obvious flaws, but there is something about it that is really compelling.”

See that whole paragraph after the one where I discussed the action in the episode where I talk about how I think the story was also advanced? Did you just delete it in your head because it doesn’t fit the snarky response you wanted, or did you just not read what I posted?

Did you even read my post? Do you even know what confirmation bias means? Is your reading comprehension really this bad?

Wow, what a response! And it took you a full week after I posted to come up with it. Just awesome. Gold star for you. 

Respectfully: These reviews have to be mostly trolling at this point. A whole paragraph about how Jarrus was called by the wrong name. But here is the line in response to Ezra from HuYang, which I absolutely caught when I watched this last night, but I just rewatched the scene to make sure:

“Starfield can be boring, and it can be a total mess. And yet in spite of all that, I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Open Range is my favorite western in the last 20 years, in large part because of Mr. Gambon’s fantastic performance.

I strongly disagree with this review again. No disrespect intended to the review or the reviewer. It is well written, and no one is paying to read my words about Star Wars for good reason.

I strongly agree with this take-thank you. No one wanted this game to be incredible more than I did-I spent years waiting for it. But the writing and quest design did not connect with me at all. There is no patch to fix that. 

Very respectfully-I could not disagree with the following statement more:

“But..... it was so artistically done.”

I really liked this one. Across all of the Disney plus shows, this episode felt most like the original Star Wars to me.
