
I know I am late to this conversation, but I just want to say: This is the thing that really bothered me about the movie. I thought Dial was a good mid-tier Indy movie, and then the end came with the huge continental drift plot hole and it became impossible for me to think about anything else with regard to that film.

This was great, and I really appreciate Marc Singer. V and Beastmaster were very big for young Westernwolf when he was getting into TV and movies as a kid. Which is why it was such a delight to see him pop up on Arrow!

Peter Jason has been great in a lot of great stuff, but my favorite is as the ridiculous Con Stapleton in Deadwood. What a performance. The whole cast in that show is incredible.

That is absolutely my favorite part! The brief look of dawning realization after the words are out of his mouth.

“I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR TIME TOGETHER!!!!!!” One of my favorite line readings ever. 

Welcome from the grays! I agree that her overall motivation is probably not to help Homelander-it is very likely she is manipulating him for her own ends, and it will be interesting to see where that goes. But just in terms of this episode-Homelander wanted something that would turn people against the Starlight folks,

I respectfully disagree with a lot of this well written review. Mostly, I do not find it “draining” that the show is inching toward reality during an election year. I think the creators of this show have some relevant things they want to say, and I am all for them using this platform to do it during a crucial time.

This is where I am. There are some 2024 games I will eventually play, but I have yet to do so this year. Some fun looking games, but nothing jumping out as an immediate must play.

I am really glad to hear you had such a good experience with it. I really like all the games from DONTNOD, so I will absolutely be getting to this eventually. Good to know I won’t be disappointed!

I have talked to a few friends about Animal Well, and each of them has either bounced off of it immediately or loved it. No in between. I find that interesting. 


1.I really want to play this eventually, so I am glad you posted about this;

I have not played a 2024 game yet in 2024-I had long pegged this year as an ideal one to catch up on my backlog. There are some good games this year, just nothing I need to play immediately. So I have been knocking out a few games long on my shelf since January, and it has been a pretty fun gaming year so far!

This is a really well written post that I fully agree with and starred.

Yeah, I know.

Welcome out from the grays! Yeah, the “true” ending to Hades is kind of a grind (at least it was for me) but it adds a lot to the story. Since you loved the game, I can easily recommend going for it. Minor spoilers I guess if you are not sure how to get it and want to know:

Your first line is really interesting to me, because Bastion is the only game in forty years of gaming that I have actually started a second playthrough on immediately after finishing it the first time. On the same afternoon. It is very rare for me to play the same game twice-I am usually the kind of gamer that wrings

I have a sizzling take here. I liked Hades. I beat Hades, official ending and all. I am absolutely going to play the Heck (see what I did there) out of Hades 2. And Super Giant is one of my absolute favorite studios.

These reviews are great and very appreciated. I miss the time when AV Club reviewed more shows.

I deleted my original reply because I realized that part of your question is why does Hank not know Vault 32 is empty,  and I think that IS a pretty big plot hole, even though I think other parts of your question can be explained!