
What I have heard in Gass’ defense is its the type of thing Trump would have said agains this opponents.  I do not disagree but do you want to crawl down to his level or be better then him?

Obviously Spielberg is the GOAT, but he whiffs plenty. There’s nothing unbelievable about the talented Mangold making a better Indy than Spielberg’s two worst.

I’d change Joe’s ranking to put Crystal Skull at the bottom. It’s awful on every level. Easily the worst script I have ever seen Spielberg direct, and not a

that came decades after a perfect ending in Last Crusade

The thing that drives me nuts about “Dial of Destiny” is the gigantic plot hole that leads into the climax. It blows my mind that nobody else seems to even notice it. It’s so glaring to me. The whole twist depends on the idea that the nazis are basing their math on Archimedes original equations which didn’t account

It’s not a question of whether she was wrong. Just because something is true doesn’t always mean it needs to be said.

As soon as she said her performance sucked because she got substandard material, that was viewed as punching down pretty hard.”

I think the biggest thing was blaming others. I don’t think she’s a great actress, she has a reputation (deserved or not) as “difficult”, and, obviously, the shadow of sexism in Hollywood. But all of that is stuff she could have owned. As soon as she said her performance sucked because she got substandard material,

I support the notion that branding women as “difficult” is a sexist and damaging notion to women, but Heigl is also a notorious asshole who burned all her bridges her damn self without any studios needing to brand her as such (not that they didn’t).

I just wasn’t proud of my work”

Sexism is real and women are held to different standards than men, especially 20 years ago. But also, Heigl sounds difficult.  

“Actually, I’d like a picture with that young man over there.”

How is it unbelievable she didn’t pop the heads of the sheep? It seems like she usually has to stand still and concentrate on the target to use her power and there were 4 or so flying sheep zipping around the sky, so if she stops to blow up one the other 3 would have just torn her to shreds.

Great actor. His bit in The West Wing where he meets with President Bartlett has always stood out for me.

After reading this, I was thinking about how his resigned, “It’s a walk-off” in Zoolander was pitch-perfect. Agreed that this is a great Random Roles. He comes across as a treat to talk to. Hansel was right, Billy Zane _is_ a cool dude.

Especially because only after delivering it does he realize he’s waist-deep in freezing north Atlantic water. The look on his face is priceless.

It’s strange how people are just feeling this now, since I’ve been seeing the obviousness of it all since at least season 2 where Stormfront paraphrases with, “Make America safe again,” and is an actual nazi. It’s just something I’ve had to give a pass. At least it’s funny when the neocons are somehow too slow to

Anyone who uses the term “TDS” unironically is not a serious person. An idiot, if you will. 

It might be a kind of boring reflection of reality but there literally are people trying to shoot up pizza parlors and goddamn actual Nazis out there who think others shouldn’t have rights because of their skin color.  It might be lazy but it’s nothing like ‘TDS’.

I don’t think she’s “helping” him at all. I think it *looks* like she is, and she wants him to think she is, but she’s going to (for starters) trade him a better head of hair (maybe) in exchange for giving The Deep a lot of ideas he doesn’t need right now about self-respect & his place in the order of things.

That's a lot of hate for people just not liking the final episode of a tv show. Way to raise the discourse.