
There are obviously some great songs here, but Baby on Board deserves a place. After all, the B-Sharps were “Bigger than Jesus”, and their reunion on that roof is one of the best moments in the whole show.

I know I am late to respond, but I wanted to say thank you for the kind words. I also wanted to reassure you that I won’t make a big deal when I leave the site-you will just show up to the comment section one day and I’ll be gone as you nod knowingly. :)

Obviously some great shows here. In 2024, Deadwood is still the best show I have ever seen. Probably because it is also the best acted and best written.

I do not agree with the political views Cleese has expressed with regard to “cancel culture” or anything else at all, but let’s put the brakes on before we start making Idle out to be some sort of hero here. This whole thing started because he is complaining about not having enough money, including a house he sold for

I think games on more platformers is great for gamers, so I like it. I want people to be able to play what they want without worrying what plastic box they have. In fact, I don’t really have a dog in this fight because I own all the major consoles because I don’t want to worry about missing out on games. I think more

Carl Weathers gets the absolute highest compliment I can give a performer: His work was my favorite part of every single thing he was in. What a legend.

Man......I have had a Netflix subscription since the DVD in an envelope days, and I had no idea most of these shows even existed. I am either using my time very well or not nearly well enough, I can’t decide. 

Ok, but can we do it without the hyperbole? The article on this site about the Ubisoft comments called them “chilling”. Give me a break. We aren’t talking about a murder or something. We are talking about what is happening in media, a turn of events that has been obviously coming forever now.

I am more concerned about the fact that it has been 15 years since I tried my last criminal case, I don’t practice that kind of law anymore (although I have been a lawyer for 20 years), and I don’t have access to the evidence in the case. There are clear limits to my knowledge here, and I am doing some speculating

This is kind of what I think too. We are both making some assumptions, and it may turn out that more evidence will come. But the fact that everyone is focused on the trigger and not his duty as a producer makes me believe that the prosecution has concluded that is a dry well for whatever reason.

I agree, although I will say that getting to culpability is a whole lot easier when you are talking about preponderance of the evidence rather than reasonable doubt. I really could see civil liability here, but as you say there are a lot of things that need to be established to get there.

No offense meant to the author of this piece (whose content on Kotaku I have always enjoyed) or anyone worried about an all digital future. I myself would prefer that gamers (and all consumers really) always have a choice between physical and digital for a lot of reasons.

I agree with both of these comments. I spent the first five years of my career as a criminal defense attorney, and I truly don’t get this prosecution. Sure you don’t have to have deliberation or criminal intent for involuntary manslaughter, but you do have to have a degree of recklessness or negligence that is much

It was a good ending poorly executed.”

The discussion around the ending of the show was not “kind of dumb”. It is what happens when you have the ending of one of the best shows ever with everybody watching, and then at that ending half of the country is concerned that their cable just went out when the show was finishing up.

LOL! I needed that laugh!

Thank you for your reply (and the enjoyable article). As I said in my initial post and this one, your experience in this game is absolutely valid (and I am sorry you encountered all the bugs!). I am just sharing my experience.

As I just posted above, I played more than 150 hours on Series S and encountered almost no bugs. Not saying this to challenge your experience, just another perspective.

Every experience with this is indeed very valid, but mine is that I played Starfield for more than 150 hours and saw almost zero bugs. I had a couple crashes to home screen and a couple NPC walking around in underwear, and that is it. And I played on the less powerful Series S too.

Right. I agree with you. That is why I posted: “There is a decent upgrade path, so it doesn’t feel as out of line as some others.”