
I think they should have just let Ian McShane play young Winston too. Because Ian McShane should be in everything.

Oh yeah, the Laura Bow games were really good too!

1.Sincere thank you for your service! I have always found subs fascinating, but I could not imagine actually being in one. It seems like that would take fortitude I absolutely do not have. 

Washington is just an amazing performer. This list is so stacked, and there are a bunch of other great performances that didn’t even make the cut.

Love the uesername!

The Space Quest series (and Sierra games in general) are what got me into gaming-and honestly got me into the joy of problem solving more than school ever did. I still love all those games.

I pretty clearly disagreed with Barsanti about the state of the interpersonal drama, at one point in my post specifically stating that I thought the character development was good in the episode. Opinions differ of course, but I don’t agree with the review so I don’t take your point. He wrote a review, he is entitled

I really appreciate these reviews and enjoy reading them but-C- is an awfully tough grade for this. I thought the two shows were well done with some decent action and good character development. I am also content with not knowing everything about the stakes in the first eighty minutes of the series, and allowing it to

Re: Duel of the Fates-I liked a lot of things about both Force Awakens and Last Jedi. But the fact that Disney launched this trilogy in this huge franchise without deciding beforehand on an overall direction for the entire thing is still incredible to this day. I cannot believe they messed this up.

Ageed on all counts! Glad you got to watch it, it is really great Star Wars.

Same-although my Mom refusing to watch Star Wars is much more surprising than my wife refusing to watch Star Wars. My wife is just not that into it-but fortunately my kids are so I always had company!

This issue is coming up in my family too. My Mom is the one who fostered my love of sci-fi-she adores Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, BSG-all the core series. But she absolutely does not watch animation, no matter how often I try to convince her that it is good. She is from a generation where cartoons were only for

I am a huge fan of Rebels-I watched it all with my kids (Clone Wars too), and the series is just great Star Wars. I can’t wait for this.

This is such a good post, because on rewatch, Misbehavin got its hooks into me all over again. I have been listening to it and Payday from the start of this season constantly for two weeks. 

This is my favorite season of Righteous Gemstones-the cast and how they play off each other are just perfection. I enjoyed the season so much that it has inspired me to start watching the first two seasons again, and I am picking up so many little things that I did not before. Great show.

I want to be very clear that I agree with you generally, and that the take that many will form that Arianna Grande is a seductress fully responsible for this is highly problematic.

I choose to take away something else entirely from all of this, which is that adult men are clearly far too emotional to be in positions of power (though if I have to pick sides here I am Team Swalwell, and in no way am I suggesting a moral equivalence between their sides).”

I really had fun with The Ascent-def. worth a playthrough. And, it finally gave me an achievement for something I have been doing in games for years and years. I don’t want to spoil, but when it popped I did a double take and laughed my butt off. 

I am about the biggest MCU fan/apologist you will find but yeah-this was not good. Such a shame-on its face the concept was compelling, and both Jackson and Coleman are such compelling performers, but the show just never went anywhere remotely interesting.

Absolutely!. Last Crusade might be my favorite Indy movie (as much as I love Raiders) because seeing it in the theater was such a great time. And I also saw Ghostbusters 2 at the drive in that same summer! 12 year old me is still pissed about how bad that movie was.........