
1989, Batman was everywhere. My brother and I saw it so many times we had every line memorized, and we wore out the VHS tape and the cassette the soundtrack was on when they finally came home. I still unabashedly love that movie.

I have been resisting putting this on my wish list for a while because there are just too many games. But this article got me. You got me. Going on the list.

You said this better than I did in fewer words. Thank you. 

I don’t agree with them in this case-but it is absolutely true to them. I am not going to hold the opinions of grieving families up to the scrutiny you are suggesting-which illustrates exactly why their words are not a good starting point for a serious debate about mass incarceration.

I’ll let the article and headline speak for itself.

Thank you. Kind of you to write. 

Not my experience.

This, this, this a million times. I am not going to risk steamrolling a boundary just because someone might think it odd that I asked. That will not keep me up for one second at night. Imposing myself on someone’s personal space without clear invitation absolutely would. 

I wish I had reacted more like you did. I was a sensitive child who couldn’t stop crying during ET. And they also said “shit” in the movie!

No see, Ironhide didn’t die when he was shot in the shoulder. He died when Megatron shot him in the face while he was begging for mercy after being shot in the shoulder. Which was a lot for my nine year old brain to process!

Well now I wish you had just written the movie, seriously. Because I agree with everything you said! A Yesterday’s Enterprise type situation would have been far superior to what we actually got. 

Respectfully, this piece is in very poor taste. I actually agree with the general premise of it: I was a public defender for the first four years of my career. The prison system is very corrupt, and I have long advocated for there to be an age cut off for people who no longer pose a threat to society to be released.

I agree with most of this, especially Picard and Kirk together ultimately being kind of a dud. I think there were some stories they could have been good together in, but I think the idea of the Nexus was this movie’s big downfall. It was such a stupid, weightless idea, and that really hurt the time Stewart and Shatner

Your last paragraph was exactly the route I followed. I recalibrated the joy cons, then I repaired them, and finally I just gave up and bought two pro controllers so I can play Mario Kart with my sons without dealing with it anymore. We have had the pro controllers for about eight months with zero issue. Our other

My wife has a Master of Divinity and was a hospice chaplain for years before she started working in the non-profit world with me. She laughed really hard at Woks on Water, and told me after it is her favorite joke in the series so far. 

The underrated video game Marvel: Midnight Suns has a Wilhelm Scream trophy for dropping two enemies off of high places (or into portals to Hell!) during one turn. 

This. I have all the major consoles, and have for every console gen since PS2. Switch is the only one where I have ever had drift ever. And as you say-Nintendo has also acknowledged the drift problem many times.

Fully agree

I don’t mean any disrespect to you or your wife or your story together. But I really don’t think respecting someone’s boundaries is context dependent. I have been married for 25 years, and I also initiated my first kiss with my wife. And I made damn sure that she was ok with me doing that, because I asked her first.

I can see that point of view I guess, but I don’t really agree with it. First of all, 2 and 6 were the only TOS movies that really dealt with those things, and there were specific reasons for it. Wrath because the crew had aged a lot since the days of the series (in contrast, Generations was being written while Season