
This is a great post, and I agree that Homecoming is also a great movie. The part in the car where Vulture figures out who Peter actually is is one of my favorite moments in the entire MCU. 

I eventually plan to try it as an SP game-it is on Game Pass, so why not? So I am glad to hear there is some enjoyment to be had.

I hate writing what I am about to write, because I unabashedly love Into The Spiderverse. I took the kids to see it, and then I took my wife the very next day because SHE HAD TO SEE THIS. And the family already has tickets for Saturday to see Across, and we are all very excited.

This is such a sad result all the way around. Prey was such an amazing game, and the concept for Redfall was potentially very cool. What a shame. 

You have great taste. Both those fantastic shows were filmed in my home town! The restaurant where I went on my very first date can be seen in the background of the pilot episode of BB.

No doubt. It just made it hard for me to get into the goodbye for the series. 

I will always really like Ted Lasso, even this last season that has been divisive. I love that there was a show on TV that was all about kindness, and being better and growing for the benefit of yourself and for others. It was perfect comfort food. A show like this, which by definition could not be about the dark

Well, they did use his old play to get the final goal. But yeah, it was kind of strange that the most active thing he did for the team was to make the box for fines. 

I cannot wait to see this this weekend. The entire family gathered to re-watch the first last weekend and build the hype, and we are going to trek to our local theater Saturday. It is going to be so much fun-the first one was so good, I have every confidence this will be a good time.

It isn’t really the general discomfort part that bothered me so much-as you say, Barry has always been about that. It is just the humor parts that were thrown into that sequence that didn’t land with me. The screaming of “GUNS!”, hiking through the toy aisle and not being able to get into his car were all dark humor

Oh I see, no worries! Thanks for your comment!

This is exactly where I am-It is good satire, but I am just not comfortable with humor, even dark humor,  applied in this particular area right now. I am not criticizing the show for doing it or anything like that-just saying the opening landed with a thud for me because of my own feelings. 

Don’t worry, I know exactly what you were saying-the Fuches story did spin its wheels for a bit. Stephen Root is just awesome anyway. 

I never wrote that the Sopranos was the most prestigious of all time-are you replying the the right post? I like the Sopranos, but give me Deadwood as my favorite show of all time. 

I see your logic here, and your post is well articulated. I just want to say that I was a criminal defense attorney for the first five years of my legal career (which is now 18 years and counting!). Even given the points you make above, I could make a very compelling defense out of a guy who escaped prison and ended

Completely agreed, especially about Gene. His end was probably the biggest tragedy on the show. He was a jerk and an ego maniac, but not a monster. In the end, he just couldn’t help himself.

A few thoughts on the finale:

I thought the showcase overall was pretty meh, but the Spidey 2 gameplay looked great. I finished both the first one and Miles Morales, and you can bet I will be there for this one in the Fall. 

This was my first thought reading this list. I mostly agree with it, but: Con Air? Con Air is a lot of things, but highly forgettable is not really one of them.

Heir to the Demon is such a great episode. Nyssa was such a fantastic addition to the show. Not only was her character an awesome warrior, but her ongoing mockery of Oliver following a certain event I don’t want to spoil for anyone was a series highlight.