
Absolutely. One of the episodes from that season is The Promise, which started to bring the past and present together. No exaggeration, that is one of my favorite television episodes of all time. 

Me too-well said. I just re-watched Season 1 for the first time since it aired. It is amazing what a different show and universe around it the whole thing became-but like you said it works as it is built gradually. And it is still really good-I am really enjoying it all over again!

I agree completely. Two seasons of television had me checking the clock like that-Arrow season 2 and Justified Season 2. In both cases I would check partly because so much great stuff was going on in each episode, and partly because I didn’t want the episodes to end.

I wanted to add one more thing to my praise of the Arrowverse. LOT is great in every way and so is Beebo. But those two things are also responsible for what I think is the funniest moment in the entire Arroweverse. Young Martin Stein is trying to get Lily a Beebo for Hanukkah at the start of the episode Beebo: God of

Arrow Season 2 is absolutely fantastic. I suggest not missing it. 

Thank you so much for writing this-the Arrowverse deserves to be celebrated. The whole thing was so much fun from start to finish. And I will always loudly maintain that Arrow Season 2 is up there with anything the rest of TV has to offer. After hate watching the last season of Titans, I started re-watching Arrow for

I have a story related to this. My twin brother moved to Japan after college and has been living there for 25 years or so now. During this time, it was hard to get our TV shows there (this was before streaming!). My mom was sending him recorded VHS tapes (!) of both BSG and DS9 so he could keep up with them.

Oh no! There is a lot of great television out there. Don’t let the end of BSG ruin it for you. 

I would argue that taking a series brimming with optimism and hope and the power of kindness and adding a downer ending that changes the whole tone of the series that came before is not good. But I am glad you liked it more than I did. 

The BSG finale was horrible, horrible television. I was actually angry after I watched it. 

No list of worst series finales is complete without the original Quantum Leap

I think the themes of Season 3 are interesting and thought provoking. I thought the plotting and character choices were a little loose, and that this hurt the execution of those ideas (I feel the same way about Season 4). For me, the first two seasons were more tightly written and had more forward momentum than the

I completely forgot about this, but very true. 

Completely agree. I love Scrubs and the end to Season 8 was fantastic, but Season 9 makes me sad. 

Thank you. I always get a little nervous when I post this opinion because I know people feel so strongly about that finale. But I honestly believe it, even though I am a huge fan of the show overall. 

The Barry writers are usually a step ahead of me, but I saw the trap for Gene coming a mile off. Still: I was hoping I was wrong. Watching Gene tell Daniel Day Lewis how to play him while Lewis rolls his eyes would have been delightful.

1.Scrubs had a pretty perfect finale, but then cast it aside by going back to the well for an extra year. Bummer.

This strikes me as an extremely ungenerous take on every aspect of this episode. 

Haven’t these poor writers been through enough? 

Oh, all these years I’ve been saying “Beetle MOOSE” three times. My fault everyone.