
On point analysis is made much more difficult when a show veers into the surreal as Barry now has. :) I thought the time jump was going to be another dream, for example. Your posts helped me too, and I enjoyed reading them.

I agree with a whole lot of this, especially the last paragraph. One of the joys of this show was the main cast bouncing off each other, and we get much less of that now.

I am right there with you my friend.

I just watched this today because I get HBO through Prime and for some reason it dropped late. I just wanted to say: I have been watching pretty tense, violent dramas for a long time. Deadwood is my favorite show of all time. My wife and I would gather to watch Sopranos every Sunday. Breaking Bad was filmed in my home

Your points are well articulated, and I enjoyed reading them. I disagree with some of them, but especially your thoughts on Gene’s involvement not mattering and the failure of the show to provide those details hurting the narrative.

No one should miss the Bob’s Burgers episode about this very subject.

1. I don’t think this was the best episode of Ted Lasso. It still had some really good sequences, but overall it was not as well executed as usual.

Between the death of Cristobal, the eager sand crew, and Gene shooting his own son, this episode was just crushing. I have all the admiration in the world for Mr. Irby, who did such an excellent job in his role. Not only was the relationship between Hank and Cristobal one of the most delightful parts of the show

I want to be very clear about this-I mean no disrespect to AV Club writers. I couldn’t do what they do. No one wants to pay me to write words about Ted Lasso or any other subject. I absolutely could not do better.

Fully agree. The stuff with Sam was particularly great. 

Yeah, I was part of a student tour group that got to shake hands and chat very briefly with David S back in the late 90s. It was cool.

Well said. 

Agreed. That game blew young Westernwolf’s mind. The CD ROM is still sitting in some closet at my parents house somewhere!

I once again find myself in stark disagreement with the review-which is fine, but this is absolutely higher than a a C Plus for me. I thought the stories of the characters were fun, in some cases emotional, and well handled while clearly tying into a central theme.

This episode was pretty great. So much good stuff-but the highlight was the long time coming conversation between Barry and Hank. It was pretty great to see some steel from Hank, and Hader is just giving a fantastic performance as always. 

I agree with you, although I find Clone Wars much harder to recommend to fellow Star Wars fans. It has so much going for it, including fleshing out the character of Skywalker in much needed ways and the creation of Ahsoka. But the tonal shifts on that show can be pretty whiplash inducing. You will get a three episode

When it comes to the Batmobile/Tank control in Arkham Knight, I didn’t know what I was doing even while playing the main game! :)

I really liked both Horizon games, and I am completely in for the inevitable sequel. But this article outlines exactly why I don’t play DLC. No matter how much I enjoy a game, once I am away from it for a while I always forget how everything is supposed to work. It is a super frustrating feeling. Burning Shores has

Yeah, I think that is probably exactly what the Empire did, which is probably part of how the planet got its rep after it was bombed.

That is the finale cliffhanger. Tune in next season to find out!