
I enjoyed your post! I just wanted to say:

Agreed. Rebels is great! My minor revision: If one wants to skip most of S1, I would still watch the S1 finale. It is really good.

I don’t mean to just keep this discussion going for the sake of it, because Hiemoth and others are absolutely entitled to their own evaluation of the show. But Jayrig5, this is exactly what I mean and very well stated. If a person is criticizing Lasso for not being a Football show, that is fine but it goes to the very

It sure does look good. There are also a crap ton of characters from Rebels in the short trailer, which is pretty exciting for those of us who love that show. Rebels references and characters have also been popping up in Mandalorian too.

That is kind of what made it aimless for me-everyone kind of messed around for a while, and then reclaimed Mandalore in 15 minutes after years of hand wringing about it.

This was largely an aimless season of The Mandalorian, but I enjoyed the ride.”

No one is saying the show is immune to criticism. You are saying that it is strange that a show that was never going to focus on European Football is not more focused on European Football as the years go by. I am saying that it is fine to feel that way, but the show made it clear from the start that it has no interest

I think what I wrote directly addresses what you are saying:

After this episode, I really want that last one!

Your point is well articulated, but.......Ted has been very up front about what kind of show it is from Season 1 episode 1. Ted cares about helping people grow into the best people they can be first, and winning games in whatever sport it is second. He tells Trent Crimm this twice so there is no mistake. Whether you

I obviously enjoy the last two seasons of this show way more than the folks at AV Club. Nothing wrong with that, but it means I don’t usually agree with the reviews.

This is a great post, thank you. 

You are correct. I was unsure if the review was making a joke, but there absolutely is no dog. Sally wants to know if Barry has taken care of any blowback she might face from the attacker she killed in the Season 3 finale. 

I know you posted this days ago, but as a fellow late 40s gamer I just want to say I could not agree with you more. I have always thought boss fights were kind of silly, but the older I get the more annoying this gaming staple becomes.

Huh, the second episode didn’t show up to stream for me. I wonder what I am doing wrong? I have an HBO Max subscription, but only one episode appeared last night. Maybe I just needed to keep watching after the credits of the first?

I just finished a game with the worst boss fights I have encountered in a long time: Chorus. It has outstanding space ship combat, but the boss fights are all boring, annoying, bullet sponge slogs without exception. I sat there thinking: “who ever thought this was fun?” over and over.

The scene at the start of Justified Season 5 when Dewey Crowe wins in court is one of the TV scenes that has most amused me in the last decade. And the scene works mainly because of Judge Reardon’s complete exasperation with the entire situation. Stephen Root is so fantastic in that show (and in pretty much

See, this just goes to show how much great stuff he has done. I saw this episode of Just Shoot Me. It was great, and Root was great in it. And I had completely forgotten it was his work.

This is a fantastic Random Roles with a fantastic actor. I clicked on this hoping Justified and News Radio would be topics, but I have no annoyance or surprise that they are not. Because this man has been in everything, and there is only so much time in his day to cover roles.

Clockwork Orange pull, nice. :)