

Chicken from Robot Chicken? Is that you???????

What is any of this? Why is any of this happening? I don’t know, but I think I like it!”

If I were in charge there would be some shuffling on this list (everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course), but I would keep the top two right where they are.

I am so envious of all of you that got to take classes like this. Sounds like a blast.

I have read all of Kinsella’s baseball stuff. It is all great. And as you say, Last Pennant was quite predictive. When the Cubs won I actually thought of that story!

I like Moneyball. As you say, there is just not much actual baseball in it. :)

That clip is from a documentary about the career of Joe West! :)

Shoeless Joe is one of my all time favorite books-but I am a huge baseball guy.

The movie is good, but the book is better. I agree that Field of Dreams would be lower on my list.

The biggest shame of Mass Effect Andromeda is: It actually is not a bad game. The combat really is the best in the whole series, and the main story is decent. Some of the companion based side quests are really good.

Thanks so much, I knew I recognized him from somewhere and it was driving me nuts. Agents of Shield, of course!

Same. I really liked the whole movie, but this scene was incredible.

Double it and you are approaching the ballpark parking lot.......

Fine sure, but how many of them did he kill in a bar with a PENCIL????

This is such sad, sad news. I saw Mr. Reddick play big roles in some of my favorite video games, tv shows and movies. There was not one role of his I did not enjoy, or one where he did not elevate the material.

I thought this episode was ok. I found my attention wandering during the meat of the episode with the imperial rehabilitation efforts (and the intrigue therein), but that is a story that can go some interesting places. We also did not get much about Bo Katan teaming up with Din and friends, but that thread also has

I appreciate your well written response. I don’t agree, but I also acknowledge that my experience with the game may be an undue influence on my thoughts here. The 25 hours we spent with Joel and Ellie there made his motivations clear in a way that it is pretty hard to do in 9, and it is hard for me to shake that when

Your post is well stated, but let me ask this: Do you think that the state of the world mattered one bit in Joel’s decision to save Ellie? I do not. He was saving his new daughter no matter whether there was 1 infected left or a million. No way was he going to let what happened to Sarah happen twice. There was no

Thanks so much for your response! It was very hard for me to try to make my argument last week without getting into any spoilers! :) There has been a lot of discussion about this issue here and elsewhere, and I think there are a lot of valid positions one can take about the number of infected in season 1. But for me,