
Most people aren’t complaining about the lack of infected because they wanted the show to be the Walking Dead. The argument is that the infected need to be established as a more present threat in order for Joel’s choice at the end to have impact. In the game they were everywhere, so you can see why a vaccine would be

Dang, I had 10 years to think of it and I never did! Take your star!

That is so interesting to me. When I played the game for the first time in 2013, both my kids were really young. In fact, my youngest had only been born a little over a year earlier.

I thought the series was excellent. I thought the finale was excellent. One of the best games ever spawns one of the best game adaptations ever. Some thoughts:

I disagree with the premise that there was a lot of ambiguity as to Joel’s motivations in the game. I played this on release in 2013 (and a couple times after that)-there was a lot of discussion about whether Joel’s actions were right or wrong given the stakes for the world. There was not a lot of question as to why


This is a very good point that I had not considered, but the more I think about it the less it comforts me. I am assuming all involved were pretty sure they had a hit on their hands, and acted accordingly. The fact that the game was already so successful and the speed of renewal points to that. Although certainly if

At the end of the game, it is revealed that Bobby Ewing isn’t really dead and the whole season of Dallas has been a dream. We only find out when Victoria Principal finds Patrick Duffy in the shower. No one who played the game could believe this happened.

I really like a lot of the deviations from the game that the show has made to deepen the characters and the universe. However, I think it would be a big mistake to deviate much from the ending of the game.

Thanks! I guess I missed it.


I made a new post asking about this before reading yours (sorry). I really liked the episode, but it really bothered me that this did not come up when they were looking for the living water. Because: I really do think the Saber is by right hers now. 

I watch all the Star Wars animated shows with my sons. We were all pretty underwhelmed by the Bad Batch/Clone Wars Episode and the first part of season 1. But the last few episodes of season 1 and this season has us hooked. It has turned into something really great. 

I thought this was a really fun episode-especially for those of us that watched Clone Wars!

In terms of your first two lines: My gripe is that the infected were not merely a plot device in the game, and that their looming presence was a big part of what made the resolution of the story work. My main problem with the show is that the infected are being used more as a plot device, and I am worried about how

This is why the action sequence with David and Ellie fighting clickers together that was in the game but cut from the show was so important. During that fight, Ellie and David had to work together and trust each other in a life or death struggle. By the time it was over, there was real doubt about whether David was a

This. What I was trying to say in my reply, but said better. 

Good point-he is preserving both his survival and Ellie’s. This section of the game, a large part of which this episode of the show cut out, is meant to establish the lengths Joel will go to to protect Ellie. In the game that covered his whole rampage through town. Here, it is condensed to the interrogation scene. It

I also think they have done a good job in the show with well acted, well directed conflict/drama. Episode 3 of this show is one of my favorite episodes of television in years, and it clearly did not rely on the infected to tell a powerful story in a post fungus outbreak world.

Just because there is a gameplay sequence in a game doesn’t mean there isn’t character development in it, or that it should have been cut from the TV show.