
I am very interested to see what you and others who have not finished the game (including everyone else of suitable TLOU viewing age in my family) thinks of the end (assuming it tracks with what we expect from the game). The ending of the game is one of my favorites in media for the last ten years-there is a reason

I think this is fair and well stated (so you get a star!). And I totally get it-looking around at other takes on the game, I think my opinion is in the minority with regard to number of infected. And the reason most often given is better realism (including from my wife and my mom, who have not played the game but love

And there should be slightly more zombie presence. They’re not an ever present threat and it’s kind of surprising that society ever fell.”

My recollection (although I haven’t played in a few years so I could be wrong), is that the game dealt with the lack of an army rushing to help David much better. Partly because Joel and Ellie killed so many of his army during that sequence, and partly because there was fog/a big storm that was great for stealth and

I am not condoning violence against helpless people, and neither in the game or the show is Joel someone who could be described as a good person. But the Silver Lake folks did try to kill both him and Ellie at the University, and then kidnapped Ellie and were going door to door to try to murder Joel while he was

I agree with you. I also enjoyed the KC episodes, but the one thing I criticized about deviation from the game before today is needing a primary antagonist in those episodes. The part was well acted and her last speech to Henry was a great summary of TLOU themes. But KC/Pitt was plenty terrifying in the game without

I think the TV series has been great-a real achievement. And, even though I am going to criticize it, I liked this episode. There was a lot good about it. But it was by far the most disappointing episode for me up to this point. Two big reasons:

I like Andor (and Mandalorian!), but this made me laugh.

Please take a star. I don’t agree with your premise about the Star Wars shows (although Obi-Wan was surprisingly bad, and book of Boba Fett turned into another show entirely), but your analysis is well written and I really enjoyed it. And I’m glad you found something to like in the streaming universe-Andor is really

This is only for discussion, and I fully respect your opinion. But I also disagree with a lot of it:

True, but to be fair: That third thing is true of every single SW property before Andor. And even Andor was riffing on a movie that came before. 

I am well aware that this is LQ’s opinion. He has clearly stated it here, and about past seasons as well.

LOL. The Armorer should make some Oral-B out of Beskar for the big ceremonies...............

Your criticisms are well stated (even where I don’t agree), and my recollection is you have not liked the show for quite a while-which is totally fine!

1.I liked the opening episode way more than a C-Plus. I know some people are annoyed by it, but I have always dug the side quest/western wanderers of the week format of this show. I am very glad that in this universe there is room for both Mandalorian and Andor to exist, two shows to love for very different reasons.

Trust me as someone who watched Rebels all the way through with my sons: It gets GREAT. The first season is kind of slog, but if you stay with it there is a gem in there. Plus: Chopper is the best droid in all of Star Wars (That’s right R-2, fight me!).

I appreciate you posting this. Not because I care who got what details right or wrong-who hasn’t been mistaken about the details of something they watched here before? I certainly have a lot. But I had what I thought was a clear memory of that being in the DLC, and it is good to know I am not totally losing my memory

You are correct about the movies of course (although Civil War was always going to be an Avengers movie if they stuck to the comic concept even a little). But don’t you think it is a little different with a TV series as oppoosed to world building during a two hour movie?

Huh, thanks for the correction. I could have sworn they danced in the DLC, and I thought that before this episode came out. But I am sure you are right. I have played through TLOU three times and Left Behind two times (which is a big deal for me, since I don’t usually play games twice), but it has been a few years

Well then for once I am glad a creative project was short on cash, because The Turning game in Left Behind is a fantastic moment. But it is a moment that I think would have been really hard to duplicate for a television viewer, so hooray for HBO cash!