
I agree with you that the imagination scene with The Turning in the game was highly effective, probably more effective than what we got in the show (although Ramsey and Reid still did a very good job with what they got for the scene).

Same, for both. I have written about this here before, but when “Insurrection” came out I was in my last year of college, applying to law school, and getting ready to get married six months later. So I completely lost track that this movie of my favorite franchise was coming out. My future (and still!) wife and I saw

The thing that is so strange to me about that is that Fett already got that fan service during his entrance on the Mandalorian-which was great! I just don’t understand why Book ever existed-the whole thing was so dumb. Like you said, nothing but the continuation of the Din/Grogu saga was remotely compelling. Why not

I know zero about TV production, whether it be streaming or network. And it makes sense to me that you are correct that all of the episodes would be planned before shooting a season.

First of all, Robert “Bob” Fett would be awesome. Or Fett the Bounty Hunter paired with any normal name. Like, Maurice Fett.

I would say I agree with you in principle-and especially for TLOU, where character development and story is rightfully where the emphasis is. But, I really have missed some of the big infected set pieces from the game, a good many of which the show has skipped. The biggest infected set piece the show has done was all

This is a very good point. It is very probable that Covid had something to do with the strange turn this series took. 

I understood your point. I was saying that I thought they differentiated between Clickers and other infected in the second episode of the series, even if they didn’t explicitly call the regular ones stalkers. But I could be wrong about that.

In the museum episode, didn’t the characters specifically describe what a Clicker is? And this infected had none of those characteristics? I could be filling in blanks here (because I played the game and DLC ), and I am certainly not invested enough in this minor point to go back and check. But I could have sworn that

I think a hoard of infected could have worked very well here if done right.

I am old, and I have watched a lot of TV. The choice to turn the last three episodes of BOB into a fully different (even if related) series is still the weirdest TV related decision I have ever seen. I am still fascinated by it. The creative team must have REALLY hated the initial output from BOB as they were shooting

Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion, but I think this is a pretty harsh way to look at it.

One more post after reading the stray observations:

They need to be careful. If you mess with tech and potatoes too long, you get Glados. This society can’t take any more world ending events..............

No kidding, I also did this!

I agree with you. The game and the show have a lot of these kind of liberties, like pretty much every society collapse story. The stray observations this week are full of them, and there are lots of others (all the gas would have degraded to unusable form by this point etc).

Another great episode. Everyone involved with this show is just crushing it. Left behind wrecked me-just like when I played it years ago.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I have never heard the idea of space ribbon where you (for completely unexplained reasons) get to live your fantasy life described as anything but silly. As out there as sci fi can be, the wordls that are built still have to follow some kind of rules or internal logic.

Please take the star you have earned. 

Agreed. Generations had a LOT wrong with it. When your main premise is “Magic space ribbon”, that is not good. But I always admire the guts of Generations a little in being a major motion picture that had dealing with mortality as the main theme. They could have made an action romp, and instead they made this major