
I agree. Which is why it is weird that the headline it is under is:

I don’t mean to be rude, but we are really stretching this headline with the inclusion of Bella and Orson and Plan 9 and The Transformers Movie aren’t we?

So...Season 1 Fringe with pizza? I am in!

Yeah. Their dumb statements about this make them look so much worse. 

They sound like inept, two-bit hicks with holes in their shoes. “We’re shocked—SHOCKED!—that this wealthy man would attempt to defend himself.””

Agreed. I think all of the deviations from the game have been really good choices except maybe the addition of Kathleen. I thought the performance by the actress was good, I just didn’t think adding a specific antagonist to that part was strictly necessary. Although: her last exchange with Henry was a really good

I was a public defender for five years to start my career. This is being reported as significant news, but this really was a basic error by the DA to add on this enhancement. It should never have even been a thing in the first place. For me, this goes beyond usual prosecutor charge stacking into ridiculous error

Much like you, I have been assuming that this is going to come up again in one of the upcoming set pieces from the game/show. There is still one left from the game where it could be a factor. Although who knows-a lot of the sequences from the game have been significantly changed from the show!

My first thought when I saw the headline was that Linda Belcher has been busy!

My vote is for Bob and Linda. I have been married for almost 25 years. There are so many moments on that show that feel like a real marriage: supporting each other through the joys and exasperations of life together. I think that foundation is one of the reasons the show works so well. 

It sincerely pains me that, in 2023, we still have people who are hateful just because people have sexual orientations and gender identities that are different from their own. People are going to look back at our treatment of this community as a society and wonder how we could all be so ignorant. It is shameful.

I would have been ok with it if the writers had done anything to explain it, and why major things we had learned about the Q over the last 30 years had changed. There were some interesting places they could have taken it, including your thoughts about Q’s arrogance distorting his view of the world.

I am so glad to hear that Season 3 of Picard is what the show should have been all along. I am looking forward to watching it, more confident that the show will not repeat the disaster that was the first two seasons.

Sorry I am a couple of days late with a response, but this is well said.

Ok, my interest in playing this just went up a lot. I liked the game (especially the last 30 minutes, which is pure Star Wars gold), but trudging endlessly back and forth through unreadable maps was a real chore. Get rid of that and this game could be on another level. 

Hmmm-this was the first deviation from the game that did not work for me in the moment. The chaos of KC (Pitt) was always terrifying enough for me without a central antagonist to focus on. And it seems spending time with Kathleen would take away time from Joel and Ellie or two other characters I don’t want to spoil

LOL “We’re packing hotdogs for the road.......”

I was in my first year of law school and marriage, so I was in a bubble and had no idea what the movie was even about going in. I just noticed stuff that seemed off and suddenly the twist hit me-with a lot more movie to go.

Interesting list for a film maker that probably doesn’t deserve one, but it is an interesting discussion.

I have typed and deleted a few responses to this, and I just don’t know what to say anymore. I am a person with a physical disability, and I have been a civil rights lawyer for 18 years. And I am just as sick as I can be of all the stupid bigotry in this world. When are all these hateful people just going to F off