
I feel like I got to most of what I wanted to play from the PS3 era, but I always meant to get to the Resistance trilogy and never got around to it. With seemingly every game under the sun being remastered or rebooted, I would love to see a PS5 version of Resistance I could finally cross off my list.

This. Lower Decks is clearly crafted with love for Trek, and is also really funny. I highly recommend it for any Star Trek fan.

Sure a lot of time has passed and television has changed somewhat, but they are basing the show on one of the best characters in the history of television with a huge built in fan base cultivated over decades and decades. Few shows, new or rebooted, start with the massive advantages and built in good will that Picard

1. “All good things must come to an end.” I see what you did there!


Add me to those who love Open Range. It was one of my best theater experiences in years, because I went in not knowing anything about it (rare in the internet age). My wife and I just decided to add a random movie to a dinner date, and I was transfixed for the next two hours. I love westerns, and Open Range is one of

This is what I did too. I am torn-I really want to watch the final season of Flash because I so enjoyed the Arrowverse. But, as much as I enjoyed the performances of Gustin and Cavanaugh throughout, the Flash has been a pretty bad show for quite some time now. For me, it had the strongest first season of any

Two of the best words you could ever hope to utter when talking TV.

Oh, don’t I know it. So many Youtube videos. My son even has a number of books fully diving into the lore. It is ridiculous. It is just Chucky Cheese plus horror for goodness sake.

Despite all of the reasons society tells us to like it—presents! parties! Papa Noël!—there’s even more to hate this holiday.”

My youngest son went through a Five Nights at Freddy’s phase a couple of years back. Some of the longest months of my life. 

Agreed. My main problem with the end was the whiplash. Things were going along, and then it was like “What the........”

I am glad you enjoyed it! I thought it was a very good game, but I would have made some different choices in the last act, But different opinions is what makes the world go round. 

I have heard a lot of people say that. I bought Elden Ring to play over the holidays, so very soon I will see for myself!

The biggest sin of that movie is not that it was bad-it was just boring. A few of the post Judgement Day movies have been rough, but they at least had entertaining parts. Dark Fate was just dull.

I sure do love the Horizon combat system. I spent an embarrassing amount of time in both games just roaming around looking for dinos to fight. Best part of both games, after an admittedly slow start.

1.I could not agree more about HFW. The story went a little off the rails, but it remained a super enjoyable gaming experience. I have been surprised by some of the negativity around it.

This SNL sketch is the best thing to come out of the first movie, as far as I am concerned.

The real question is: Are they still using Papyrus?

Yes, anyone who starts a response with “Cool story bro” is clearly looking to engage in a calm, rational conversation. “I was the calm, non-mocking one” is some fantastic revision on your part.