
a. I am not outraged.

1. I am well aware it is a novel. I have read it. Why does that change my opinion that we don’t need it to be another MOVIE after 25 years?

In all sincerity-I have spent an embarrassing amount of time wondering what the DT Series would have been like if that accident had not happened.

This is of course a very valid point. I am like Avatar without the Unobtainium!

Dear Universe,

“When is a door not a door?”

Same. I really disliked parts of books 6-7 (especially the King as a character parts, say sorry do it please ya or whatever), but I quite liked Wolves. And of course, books 1-4 are amazing. 

“I’ve been accused of many things, but being inarticulate ain’t one of them”

I hate this. I saw Mr. Henke in so much stuff, and he absolutely elevated everything he was ever in. But that performance in Justified Season 2 was truly amazing. Great season of television, and his work played a very big part in that.

We already got the amazing Justified Season 4 out of these events, so if this movie is any good it will just be gravy.

No teen ever appreciates the charm of where they grow up. “Youth is wasted on the young.” :) I certainly appreciate Albuquerque more as an adult than I did as a kid.

Man, do I love Albuquerque. I grew up there (hence my screen name: Go Lobos!), and still visit often. And the restaurant at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center is indeed a gem. My wife and sons and I have a tradition of cooking Posole every Christmas Eve, a throw back to my NM roots. After reading this article, I cannot

So many good shows here, but man do I love me some Central Park.

My father wrote a few textbooks on the functioning of the brain. As part of his research he used rats as subjects. So, for a science fair project in fourth grade, I recorded how groups of rats reacted to different kinds of music. The most pronounced differences were between rock music and classical. Classical, most of

This is a very well written review, and I enjoyed reading it. But I was almost hoping that this game would get bad reviews so I would not have to add yet another game to my “must play list”. But everything I have read is that this is a gem, so on the list it goes. I just want more hours in the day so I can get to all

This is a gut punch. His perfect Batman performances gave me so much joy, from childhood watching Batman the Animated Series to adulthood glued to the Arkham games.

Every interview I read with him also showed him to be just a great, thoughtful human being too.

Thank you for all of the great performances Mr. Conroy.

Absolutely. And then, I would just hate it when it was over and I had to wait for next week. It had been a long time since a show had pulled me in like that, where I would actually groan at the end of an episode because I wanted more.

Agreed, and that was my main thought about this list: Slade is too low. The Promise is still one of my favorite hours of television, and he carried it. 

Man, in spite of all of the flaws in this group of shows (and there were many I complained about on this very site), I sure did love me some Arrowverse. The best place for TV superhero fun for years and years. These slides were a great stroll down memory lane. I especially enjoyed the cross overs after years of

I was giving this some thought the other day, I think my last physical game purchase at a Gamestop was Assassins Creed: Black Flag.