
The line right after that picture is my favorite of the season so far: “We were only gone four days!”

Could not agree more. Every second of Arrow Season 2 is riveting. I still watch “The Promise” sometimes all these years later.

It is awesome that you are going to get to play TLOU-truly one of the best video game stories of all time. You are in for a treat, and I am glad this version exists for you!

Oh, cool, I stand corrected. I haven’t paid enough attention because I knew I wasn’t going to play it. I thought I read when this was announced that DLC wasn’t going to be included, but that is obviously wrong. Maybe I was thinking of the multiplayer that is not included.

I don’t think a faithful remaster in 2022 has any impact on the potency of the original release at all-just like the release of the PS4 remaster had no such effect. It remains one of the best games ever (at least to me), and I don’t see why that would change no matter how often they choose to release the thing. It

I agree. The shows airing on the CW were never going to be winning Emmys, but they certainly had some fun ones. Season 2 of Arrow is still one of my favorite seasons of television-just enjoyable from start to finish. The network had a lot of entertaining stuff like that.

Some great picks here, but Weird West is one of my biggest gaming disappointments of all time. I love games set in the Wild West and the ideas are so interesting-I looked forward to the game for months. But it controls terribly on console-it felt like the game was fighting me all the time to do simply stuff like aim

This is fake news. If Bugs would spend less on carrots and general shenanigans and more on GPS, he would not have these left turn vs. right turn problems.

I love Albuquerque. I grew up there, and still have lots of family there. Great city, friendly people, best spicy food anywhere. A fantastic place to live and grow up.

Gene Belcher is not going to like this. 

Gaming is a big hobby for me, and I am really plugged into news about it. And I have Netflix. And.......I had no idea there were games available I could download. I had heard that Netflix was dipping its toe into gaming, but I did not know there were things now I could actually play.

I think everyone should watch The Orville Season 3 if they have access to Hulu. That show has grown into one of the best on television right now.

Or Tails of Iron-where the protagonist is a rat!

This. This piece is just not good. This is a horrific day. It is a direct attack on the rights of women, and throws the door open for the attack on privacy rights for all Americans. It is natural to be frustrated and angry.

I don’t think the usage of that term as a disability related insult is all that common, at least in the United States. I am glad to hear that you are not familiar with the term being used that way, especially with regard to your son!

As a person with Cerebral Palsy, I just want to say how much I appreciate Lizzo’s actions here. This kind of empathy makes the world a better place, especially when someone with a large platform that can be an example takes the time to do it. 

I just said to my wife this morning over breakfast that I hope this show gets renewed. Excellent! 

Ummmm.....I was aware he was joking. My point was that the joke wasn’t really relevant to what I posted given that 1.The concept of the show is obviously absurd, as are many shows that indulge in fantasy or sci fi; 2.The basic premise is irrelevant to whether such a show has a coherent plot, or follows its own

God I miss Calvin and Hobbes.

OMG, my oldest son loved these!