
I read this with the Jurassic Park theme thundering in my head. It was great!

I think one of the best things about paying for a streaming servicea used to be that you got full seasons of shows to watch however you saw fit. I don’t binge watch a lot because of time constraints, but I enjoyed the fact that I could move on to episode 2 right away if I found episode 1 compelling.

I figured something like this would be posted eventually.

I agree with your last line, which is my main beef with the show right now. But I did want to post and say that your idea is intelligent and well thought out, and very well could be what the show is going for. I hadn’t thought of that, and it is a really good idea!

I think that where you are is a better way to watch the show. I wish I was there with you. The funny thing is: I usually give shows a good bit of leeway when it comes to plotting. Something about the loosness of this season is really bugging me though. I am still enjoying it-as I have said in other comments, it is

Thank you for noting this-I went back to watch it again to look for that, and had a laugh all over again!

Ryan Madison is actually the person Barry was sent to LA to kill. He also came up with Barry Block as a stage name for Barry, and was his first acting scene partner. 

Thanks for this response-I appreciate your thoughts on it.

I forgot to add in my first post-the stray observations listed things Natalie’s assistant was doing, but stopped before it got to the funniest joke of the night to me: When they are standing in front of the elevator and Natalie looks at her and goes “Ding” and makes her press the button to call the elevator even

I agree with Mr. Cote-the “wild happenstances” are really beginning to test my patience. I actually really enjoyed this episode , and I really enjoy the show mainly because of the great performances by all involved.

Great catch! I totally missed it.

Sounds great, thank you. I am going to give this a shot!

I keep meaning to get around to Silicon Valley. Do you recommend the show?

I thought he actually gave the address of the place Barry was crashing because that is where he was living when Fuches ran away. Didn’t Barry move in with Sally while Fuches was on his first goat farm?

You articulated what I am feeling much better than I did. After the long hiatus, it really does feel like Barry is a different show. Still good, but very different.

I didn’t see a lot of plot holes in Sunday’s episode, but one did bother me: I do not know how Fuches could have known about Chris from what I remember about the first two seasons. Even if he pieced together some kind of connection through Taylor, it would seem to be a stretch. Did I miss something that fills in that

It depends-are there doughnuts and popcorn in the show room?

Agreed. I think the comedy/drama of this show is a particularly difficult tightrope to walk, so I think it is even more important for this show to go out at the proper time than some others. 

That is a really good point that I totally missed. Thank you for sharing it.

YES. I actually thought to myself reading this: “What, no mention of V????”. I was sure I would be the only one!