
Me too. I actually think Cristobel has the two funniest moments of the entire series-that soft statement, and his meditations on The Four Agreements from season one. Both just cracked me up.

I wasn’t bothered by the walls between Barry’s two lives coming down in front of Sally, especially because it is foreshadowed by his conversation with Hank and Cristobel.

Please, somebody just do a good adaptation of the Dark Tower Series at some point during my lifetime. Thank you.

Be sure you tell your devices you love them every day. Tomorrow is not promised. 


Played by Zack Morris himself!

That......actually sounds pretty great. Thanks-You and Harry Dean Learner have convinced me. Going to give this a try!

It is one of the few Raimi movies I have not seen. Do you think it is worth watching?

That is very interesting-I think it is always fun when professions gather tips from movies about what and what not to do or expect.

Agree completely. Well put.

This list is just about perfect. Two things:

Dang. I never thought of this, but now I really want it.............

The first Darkman is soooooooooo good. And it is the very first time I remember understanding the appeal of twisted humor-especially the elephant scene. Classic.

He was also part of one of my all time favorite Justified exchanges:

This was a great read-thank you. I have been a lawyer for 15 years, and I really like my job as a litigator for a non-profit. I have been able to push for some causes I really believe in, and do some things that I feel really strongly about. It was the career I went to law school for, and it has worked out well.

My second thought was: maybe that money and time could have been spent making a new Max Payne game instead?”

Red Squad. Poor Red Squad.

Count me as another vote for the awesomeness that is Lower Decks.

I am so disappointed in Star Trek: Picard. I intensely disliked the first season, and while this season is an improvement, I am mostly bored so far. As I have posted here before, I am so sad that this show is not resonating with me. Picard is one of the most fantastic characters in television history.

Wait........are we absolutely sure this is not an article about Elijah Wood?