
In addition to just being incredibly gross and creepy, these comments are offensive and clearly a ploy to further demonize trans people, a group of real human individuals with the fewest legal protections available.”

I am really looking forward to Season 3 of Umbrella Academy. I am also glad to hear that Elliot Page is in a good place, and was feeling positive and comfortable while making it. This article is good news all around.

The article absolutely does imply this. The click bait title does, and so does this: “President Biden and a Democratic-majority Congress are quietly poised to pass a spending bill that will still include it.

I truly do not understand why you insist on dying on this hill. The issue here is not whether there are more Democrats or Republicans in the Senate. The issue is whether that “majority” can actually do anything. This article implies that the Democrats have a majority that can freely advance policy, and that is not

Your posts in quotes: It might be a difficult or a challenging fact to your world view, but the nice thing about facts is they’re true whether you like’em or not.

I and others keep posting about why the Democrats absolutely do not have effective control of Congress, and you keep ignoring it. Which is fine. But I am not going through it all again. There are not the votes available to eliminate the filibuster, which moots the points you are making.

When it comes to advancing policy in the hyper-polarized environment devoid of any compromise we now find ourselves in because of decades of GOP bad faith-technically neither side does, because neither side can overcome a filibuster. However, I would argue that the GOP is in control at this time, even though the

When looking at this, I think the most relevant question is: Why was the 2015 Congress able to take the unprecedented step of stalling a SC nomination without a vote when Democrats are not able to wield the same kind of power now? The answer is in the numbers: After the disaster 2014 midterms, Republicans had a full

Your reply illustrates my point. The majority of Senators-a couple who are Democrats in name only-don’t favor eliminating the filibuster. And the Democratic “majority” is too small to withstand any defections at all. So now what? How is the “majority” supposed to be in control of the chamber when the filibuster rules

The “excuse” here is a pretty valid one: The Democrats don’t have the votes to overcome a filibuster, and don’t have enough of a majority to actually “control Congress” in any way.

While it is correct to say that the right to an abortion must be protected (and that the inaction by the administration is very disappointing), it is absolutely incorrect to say that Democrats “control Congress”.

I am actually taking Friday off to play. It is the first time since 2015 I have done something like that, for the release of Arkham City. I was very excited for the release of the first HZD, and pre-ordered it, but then I had to go on a two week business trip right when it released. It gathered dust while I sat in a

Hyped for Friday. HYPED.

Crap, I just watched Afterlife on Saturday and enjoyed it.

Hiring Cad Bane is not cheap. Something had to go-the vending machines in the Pyke Syndicate break room or the monthly grenade allotment.

You may be right, but that has not been my experience so far. My wife, my brother, my mom, and my best friend from college are all huge into Star Wars and really like the Mandalorian (during the pandemic we all watched it together remotely). All of them skipped out on BOBF after episode 1. I had to advise them to

This review is excellent, and I agree with most every word of it, but especially this: “It cannot be overstated how many sins can be forgiven by the redemptive act of having a giant monster fight robots.”

1. I liked this movie. It is not the best made film, but I enjoyed the performances and the message was on point. Climate change is an emergency, and we do have a culture and system that incentivizes people and groups to downplay important issues like climate change for personal and political gain. We are in some

I watched this last night-what a fun hour of television. I think I missed the Mandalorian even more than I thought and now I am ever more excited for season 3.

I am a mid-forties guy who strains his neck hopping out of bed and then strains his hamstring on the way to piss. So I spent the entire run watching Marvel’s AOS and being in awe of the amazing work Ming-Na Wen is always doing. She is a fantastic actress, but also brings an incredible physical presence to her roles.