
He’s talking about an unusual test for cars being used as a pretextual non-tariff trade restriction by Japan. I assume it’s bs, but it’s pretty clear what he’s talking about...

Does anyone who listens to Top 40 actually connect names with songs? I know this guy is a famous musician, but I can’t identify any of his songs that I’ve surely heard before. Whether an artist becomes successful has little to do with appearance and everything to do with marketing spend.

How do you know he’s a man? Because he’s a surgeon? That’s pretty sexist...

Blk110L, you should consider that there’s a difference between what people feel compelled to complain about to HR, and what you can actually sue your employer over.

Way to climb out on a limb and slam someone based on your knee jerk interpretation of their statement. YOU are the problem ...

I used to review EEO complaints as part of my job. I can’t remember seeing one that was legit. The reason 99% of complaints are rejected is because 99% of laymen have no idea what constitutes illegal discrimination

Single most popular sport in the world, completely ignored in the world’s top market = 2nd tier

I kind of see what you’re getting at, but I think there’s a distinction that can be made between getting to pick your group of friends and recieving equal services from businesses and the government. These dudes sound like asshats, im sure they had fun times together but they treated her horribly, at some point if you

Youre right, even Michael Phelps only eats 5 eggs for breakfast. Way too many eggs.  13 surely too low tho, better to have and not need, right? Maybe the North Korean team can take some home for their families

It’s inspiring to see an actual amateur in a competition which used to be exclusively between amateurs. She has a freaking day job and qualified lol

Baking as in smoking weed, right?

137 eggs per athlete makes a lot more sense than 13 ... that’s like two or three breakfasts maybe

More proof that the dudes trying so hard to be “allies” are creeps trying to get laid

... it’s a cherry coke? right?

I assume it’s just a way for the package design team to make their jobs more entertaining and meaningful. Sad.

No, its not objectively true... you are simply voicing your opinion. Foul calls are subjective, based on more factors than whether contact occurred.

Refs were within their discretion not to call a foul. Contact doesnt always equal a foul. If Curry was in the game, he’d have had the entire Cavs team hanging all over him and no whistles

The thing about the niners stadium being too hot is a dead horse. Some senior citizens got too hot at one game in 2015. Big deal. It’s never been a problem for me or anyone else I know. The stadium is modern, its easy to get in and out, and its close to the suburbs where the fan base actually lives

Stop writing about Last Jedi. Nobody wants to read your coy quasi spoilers

Just make them refund their scholarship if they dont graduate on time

Really? You can be married to an asshole and not realize? Just by being with him, she’s enabling ... notice how all these creepy rapist dudes in the news are married. You’d think people like that would die alone, but clearly there are people falling for their bullshit hook line and sinker