
how the fuck is he considered woke? I really don’t understand this woke shit

i dont think a pirate would be caught dead in a womans shirt. unless she was a woman.

Agree that this is bad, I wouldn’t want people I work with finding me on facebook either. Regardless of what line of work I’m in

Government isn’t about self determination, it’s about controlling people. Self determination and devolution will eventually lead to individual sovereignty which is anarchy.

At the end of the day it’s not about right or wrong. The government which is best able to provide for the mutual security and prosperity of those

LOL Declaration if Independence is not law of any sort
You might as well cite the Star Spangled Banner

What are you talking about ... anti-independence voters had declared their intent to boycott the vote. How does that add up to the secessionists not winning

In many cultures (including ours) kneeling is a sign of great respect and deference

I mean, yeah I’ve ran straight to the bathroom after completing some runs... but that was in high school when we were doing 40 miles a week... and I could still wait until the end of the run...

I think so... one of my first thoughts upon hearing about the attack was “Didn’t that happen ten years ago too?” like it was something that just happened every so often. Especially after Oklahoma City things on that scale seemed bound to happen. I was on the west coast as well so by the time I woke up it everyone

I have no idea why any sane person (with ANY job) would express political opinions on a twitter account that has their real name and photo on it. That’s dangerous living.

NW looks super easy for anyone that isn’t a fat ass

I laugh when they use their feet to help them climb the rope. Scrubs.

Did 9/11 surprise crusty old geezers? because I was 14 when it happened and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to me and I couldn’t understand why people were so stunned

Whatever’s bad for YT is good for the internet and the world economy generally. Keep it up, YT racists, break the digital ad monopoly

Is this the same girlfriend that got him on the vegan diet? If so, then maybe Ray has a point...

Can Deadspin make up its mind over whether the NFL’s domestic abuse policy is capricious extrajudicial punishment or a meaningless slap on the wrist?

You’d feel like an asshole? Instead of a complete badass? I’d carry it outside of the bag so everyone could see that I’m King of the Nerds

I like that it’s the original trilogy Falcon and not the stupid looking Force Awakens Falcon

No Niners fan is surprised that he’s not getting a backup job. He WAS a system quarterback, under Harbaugh... he would have never been a starter in any other scenario. He was never that good of a QB, he benefited from a great O-line, design runs and set-piece playcalling under Harbaugh. Kaepernick sucks as a QB, is

On the other hand, if you charge normal prices for water, a handful of purchasers will buy all the water in the store and either hoard it or sell it at an inflated price.

Dying of thirst in a flood