
nice maybe he’ll buy deadspin next

Frontier is the worst

protecting her from what? She’s accused of being an insensitive bonehead, not a criminal... right?

Not sure if you missed this, but it looks like the report says the charge was agg sex assault on a *child*? Wow that’s an even more sordid allegation

I studied politics and have a law degree, somehow this tactic doesn’t work for me when I debate politics or law with laymen. For some subjects, everyone considers their own opinion to be qualified.

That sounds awful and I’m sorry you suffered through that. It’s troubling to know that people have such capacity to decieve

What evidence in your eyes would exonerate him... seeing that you aren’t convinced by the accuser recanting, and an an alternate theory of the crime backed up by video evidence?

That’s extremely speculative. It’s one thing to say the Niners have a history of leniency with players who have been charged with crimes (name an NFL team that doesn’t). It’s entirely another to accuse the organization of witness tampering, a felony.  It’s not unheard of for an person to make false accusations against

it completely obliterates credulity.

The jeopardy montage is full if questions that sound like it’s the kids edition of jeopardy. It was a total god machine

He testified against his co-defendants to avoid a sentence... do a little research lol. He held a man while his friends stabbed that man to death

Seems truthy enough

I think it’s just your group of friends. Based on market research, cord cutting has grown but something like 80% of US households still have a traditional linear cable plan. Obviously shrinking rapidly tho

Didn’t he pwn Gawker in court too? Or more accurately, his partner pwned a gawker employee in a depo and it all went downhill from there

Obviously gender disparity is rampant in tech. However, it’s also possible that only 1% of discrimination complaints were actionable. Hear me out lol! Sexual harassment and gender discrimination are specific concepts under the law, often times conduct that most sane folks find truly offensive does not meet the legal

Fantastic ... uh.. straw man?

Yeah, employee conduct policies are normally considered part of the employment contract, it’s standard. Obviously they are going to stop them from shilling for their competitors. This is not a grave injustice, its just how business works. No workplace is a free speech or expression zone.

Is it robbery? They are being paid to play a video game, as part of a league which is basically a paid advertisement for said video game. Sounds like a good deal. I am interested to see if unionization will be successful in increasing bargaining. Dont think its fair to say they’re being forced to waive approval rights

Blizzard licenses overwatch to anyone who buys the game, so if they wanted they could make the code of conduct apply to the entire overwatch community as a requirement to play. They should do that lol

Wow do guys you know really say that kind of stuff? Worst I’ve heard is complaining that it’s now too risky to flirt with or ask out a coworker. Which is a legit gripe because not every advance is unwanted and clumsily self-unaware (some of us wouldn’t be alive if one of our parents hadn’t asked a coworker out).