
Should we dispense with trials then and let grand jury indictments stand for verdicts?

It obviously sucks for the victim if Patricia was actually guilty and got away with sexual assault but man, have to say it’s equally sucky if he was completely innocent and some portion of the public is already considering him guilty for doing nothing 22 years ago.

Well, yeah. That’s why it got legalized.

I gotta admit, hating the Warriors makes a lot of sense but Draymond can dick kick my grandfather off a cliff and I’d still rather watch the Warriors than the fucking Rockets.

Yeah, but Hillary had an email server that was not very secure. CHECKMATE, libturds.

What, exactly, is going on right now that is more serious than anything that’s happened since Trump was inaugurated?

tough ask to find “downtime” during this administration

Hot take- in a reasonable world Ray Lewis would keep his mouth shut when it came to issues of morality and comportment.

Do you feel good about yourself Deadspin for what you’ve done to this coach? Do ya? You got a racist and disgusting human being suspend and probably fired. I hope you can sleep better at night for what you’ve done.

Just a quick point of clarification, they can stream and talk about non-blizzard games. The code of conduct explicitly says they cannot talk about non- ACTIVISION-BLIZZARD games which is a subtle but noteworthy difference. So the players can discuss Destiny, and Call of Duty for Example but CSGo is right out.

Would probably swipe right on header image.

This. People on both sides of the gender issue make is hard to move forward. It’s part of the same issue with sexual harassment.


5) Everybody is paid the same in the same position so it’s really hard to prove bias in the very few areas where the system can even allow women to be discriminated in.

When all of your female employees earn $1 for every $1 a man earns in the same position it’s really hard to win a pay discrimination case. Which

Thank you! If my last job in a tech-based company is any indication, quite a lot of women who didn’t get their way in one way or another complained about sexism, because the CEOs and the COO were all guys. It was all guilt tripping, which I personally witnessed and felt appalled by as a woman. No, just because you

Alternative headline: 99% of gender complaints at Microsoft are a baseless waste of everyone’s time.

Of course she says that. People are sticking microphones in her face, what do you expect her to say? “So long suckers!”

Yo, what are you talking about? She makes it all the way up to the blue line five out of six times, doesn’t fall down, SKIS BACKWARDS, and doesn’t degrade herself or her country with showboating theatrics. Just good, clean skiing. Give this woman the Gold medal for efficiency and self respect.

Someone on Jezebel — a regular, no less — once wrote a long and entirely serious comment explaining that she could only be friends with men because she was sarcastic, she liked horror movies, and she liked to bake, and women who share her specialized, hypermasculine interests just don’t exist!

137 eggs would make sense for Dwayne Johnson, but I seriously doubt your average winter olympian needs anything close to that. These guys don’t actually do that much activity.