
It’s not fishy... he basically saw a sure thing, and he decided to make a bet because it’s FREE MONEY. This fight was never going to decision, and there is no alternate universe where MacGregor won this fight... His friend was acting as his agent, so the money never actually changed owners.

They acknowledged the American Indians — they signed treaties with them. It would have been way easier to kill them all. Even a hundred years after the founders were dead we were bending over backwards to herd them onto rezzies, rather than murder every last one. US has still behaved reprehensibly towards natives

LOL duh... of course he sucks at the game. He’s been playing with monopoly money his whole life.

The biggest problem with silicon valley is they place engineers w/o any social skills or business acumen in leadership roles. They shouldn’t be allowed to run a fantasy football league let alone an international conglomerate

The office park is still a better location. Candlestick Point is barely part of SF and let’s be honest, there aren’t many fans left in the city, at least ones who can afford tickets

What you can get away with wearing in “corporate America” is not the same as what is appropriate for the U.S. Capitol. Much of corporate America wears jeans and polo shirts day to day.

Dress codes are not arbitrary, and the article does not suggest the rules were changed — these rules are based on what society as a

You aren’t allowed to wear a tank top in the U.S. Congress? Wow is anyone surprised? Get over it....

This kind of stuff is pretty standard in many parts of the country. E.g., in VA female attorneys will be reprimanded (often by a female judge) for wearing pants to court.

Is it difficult to snap a putter over one’s knee? Seems like it would be incredibly painful, but I have skinny legs

I never eat breakfast (it’s like getting drunk before noon ...)
I don’t get hungry until maybe 2-3
I don’t eat unless I’m hungry

They finish high school? Seeing as they are still minors? : /

Deadspin can’t get any access or favor, and nobody will exercise any discretion to help them out, so they start making up new sports (such as their commitment to re-branding the pastime known as “video gaming”)

Belt seems like a dick. Complained about his fan nickname at one point. Who cares

Pagan and Bochy used to go surf fishing together. So he couldn’t have been that much of a pariah

Totally agree, and normally if the person is genuinely undocumented then a deportation hearing just buys some time, to get their affairs in order or to jump bail.
But it looks like this app is aimed towards helping undocumented aliens avoid getting made if they’re approached by police/feds. Anything beyond that

yup because there just tons of people who post on gawker sites expressing strong conservative opinions : /

Ok dad, I guess we are obligated to care about the deaths of complete strangers. Go take your self righteousness offline, this is the interwebs

Not the way one would expect to die from doing whippits!

One team has 2 number 1 picks and a higher payroll, and the other team is the much maligned superteam that’s apparently ruining the NBA... You deadspin people are the biggest LBJ dicksucks lol

So he can’t claim it’s a false positive, they probably do several follow up tests if he blows hot

That’s basically the NBA we’ve been watching for the past decade, no more than 4 teams have a real shot. At least those 4 spots are not dominated by big markets for the time being. You all should be happy for the Ws — they show that if your team’s front office extricates head from ass, your team might have a shot in