forever in the grays

Well said, and I agree with basically everything you say. My real problem with this article is that someone complaining about loot boxes in a video game by comparing them to an addiction trivializes real addiction. I have family members who have themselves struggled with their own demons, and received help for it. I

You are equating an addiction to shinies in a video game to an actual, chemical addiction. I have all the sympathy in the world for people who struggle with real addictions. This is not one of them. The difference is that I can’t get the feeling of being high on heroin in any other way than actually shooting heroin

Jesus. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on anything. The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification. Here’s a suggestion for those who feel like they are being victimized by optional, often completely cosmetic microtransactions. It’s going to really

You used the term ‘insignificant non-violent crimes’. Sure sounds like you were implying that it wasn’t a big deal because it didn’t involve violence. But by all means, feel free to explain exactly how we should interpret your comments in the way that best suits you.

I wanted to like EVE, I really did. It’s unfortunate that the culture of in-game scamming that is 100% supported and encouraged by CCP is pretty much a reflection of how they actually run their own business. How many side projects have they started, charging real money for in-game advantages (Dust 514, Valkyrie) only

One of the worst things as an Ana is when you shoot your sleep dart at a Roadhog, it’s in mid-air as he hooks you, and somehow your dart just ceases to exist due to being ‘interrupted’ by the hook.

I’m not some Overwatch apologist, I certainly think that there is more they could do with regards to the toxicity issue. That being said, I think the loot boxes in Overwatch are pretty benign. After all, there is no advantage gained from the items that you unlock in an Overwatch loot box.

9 times out of 10, the people that claim they get so much done in the hours when the rest of us are are asleep are just fucking around on social media anyway.

Part of the problem is that Junkrat’s ult builds absurdly fast, and all he really needs to do to build it is lurk out of danger and spam grenades into a crowded area, building ult percentage via splash damage. Then his ult is, if not unavoidable, nearly unavoidable because of the high speed. Just seems like the rate

Looks like hammered shit compared to the existing model. Mercy may be a controversial character in terms of her current place at the very top of the meta, but the actual character design, at least visually, is among the best in the game. Just my opinion of course.

Hit the nail right on the head. As much as I would love to have the freedom to dump 100 hours on ANY video game over a 3 week period, the reality is that I, like many people, do not. Hell I haven’t even played D2 yet, seeing as I’m going to be playing on PC.

Didn’t PUBG ‘borrow’ pretty liberally from H1Z1 King of the Hill though? Dunno, just seems like the developer crying foul about this is a bit hypocritical.

It’s funny because possibly the greatest strategy guide ever printed was for another Final Fantasy game.

I’m just here for the BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT

I think the only thing that has kept me away from really getting into Magic Online is the fact that you cannot actually play with the full catalog of cards that are in Standard. At least that was the case when I last gave it a shot in 2014. While the game is fun, knowing that there are more cards that I could be

Steve Simmons looks like a guy who was breast fed until he was about 8.

I mean...the chat of twitch streamers almost always claim someone is stream sniping when their hero gets killed. I really enjoy a lot of broadcasters on twitch, especially for games like Overwatch, but there are sycophants in chat who feel like the streamer is carrying their team whenever they win, and getting stream

Yeah it’s pretty much the same for me. I loved the Necromancer in D2, and was disappointed to not see it when D3 released. I picked up the Necromancer pack and can definitely see myself playing more Diablo 3 almost exclusively because of this class.

I was watching Seagull stream the other day, and when a woman said hello in voice chat, the first thing typed out by the player (Ster, for the record) that Seagull was running a duo with was: “Mercy main?” Which of course triggered a cringe worthy volley of comments in Seagull’s twitch chat.

Why would you be doing PotD over and over though? It’s not even remotely necessary as far as story, end game progression or gearing up from a best in slot standpoint.