forever in the grays

Trash talk is fine, and creative trash talk from strangers can be pretty funny. That being said (unpopular take warning): I report any and all people that I ever see using the term ‘kill yourself’ or KYS. That is honestly never funny, and pretty much the first indication that the person doing the trash talking

It’s sort of funny that the tone of this article, referencing Tim Tebow, is basically criticizing all of the coverage of Tim Tebow, isn’t it? I mean I really don’t care about the guy, or the Mets minor league affiliates, or whatever. But if you post an article complaining about the media’s obsession with Tebow, while

Nobody makes better use of Ana’s kit than Ryujehong. The guy’s sleep darts make me think he might actually be a Jedi. Best Ana player in the world, and I’d say it really isn’t close, since he’s proving it under the pressure of major tournaments.

Some of my favorite mic’d up moments come when two guys square off, and you can actually hear them talking about how they are injured so that they can ‘work around it’ during the fight. Staged fighting doesn’t really serve much of a purpose, but there’s no denying a lot of those guys have respect for one another.

I’m sorry, but are we actually going with “she’s bragging about money and fame, and that’s not what rap is about” as a criticism of Minaj’s track? In what decade has hip hop not been about rappers flaunting their wealth and power? People so badly want this to be the deathblow for Nikki’s career or something, probably

Has anyone played this on the Wii U, and if so, how is it?

So, is Nicki Minaj actually required to respond to this? Like, I get it, it was a savage diss track, and the rules of rap dictate that a response must be forthcoming. That being said, how does responding achieve anything but legitimize someone who, before this, had been on a B-tier reality show about (quoting the

That’s David Luiz’s music!

+1 Plate of carrots, celery and cucumber

They do get crucified for it. Honestly the majority of Kotaku articles over the last 6 months regarding Nintendo are either:

I did not and have never referred to it as a sucker punch. As much as some people seem to feel that Odor absolutely embarrassed Bautista, he didn’t even go to one knee after taking a pretty decent shot from Odor.

Considering the people who seem to believe in the Goose Gossage school of ‘playing the right way’ are generally mocked on the pages of Deadspin, I’m still not sure why we celebrate Roughned Odor punching out Jose Bautista for the heinous crime of flipping his bat. But yeah, Bautista deserved to get slugged in the

The TASbot segment of this year’s SGDQ was a great time for me to make lunch and do some gaming of my own, before coming back to watch, among other things, the Super Metroid race near the end. One of those things was like watching a concert pianist perform a challenging piece in front of a live audience, the other

This sounds a lot more like Kessel calling out the Team USA management for not selecting him to the team, rather than him calling out the players on it for a bad performance. Team USA needed more goal scoring, Phil Kessel drives offense.

I’m from Canada so this is something I guess I’ll never understand. Why do people in the states have this obsession with college sports? Specifically college football. I understand the hype around March Madness, for example, but the hero worship for college football coaches, and the amount of coverage for ‘student

I’m not sure what makes the Seahawks gesture any more or less impactful than Kaepernick sitting or kneeling. We have to give credit to Colin because he put himself in front of this whole thing, and now other teams or players are following suit, but I fail to see how a group of players choosing another means of

It’s a little odd that you open your final paragraph by saying Nintendo has a right to protect their characters and trademarks, but have pretty much shot down anyone who suggests as much in the comments.

She makes some very valid points. However, for the most part, the male characters in gaming often have what would be considered a conventionally ‘attractive’ physique as well. I would have to go all the way back to Mario to think of a well known and popular male video game hero that could be considered overweight or

I mean...dude...the guy took a light-hearted poke at Kotaku for having a lot of coverage for one game. Kirk Hamilton even addresses it in his article. I play plenty of Overwatch, I think it’s a great game, but I had a bit of a chuckle about LostinSpaceCamp’s comment. It was completely harmless, but you went into full

Also why do I keep getting bounced back into the grays? I mean my name is meant to be tongue in cheek, it’s not an actual request. I’ll admit I don’t understand the process that ‘approves’ someone on this board, but I have been knocked back into the ‘unapproved’ category twice now after being recommended/followed by