If you’re saying that you think people should be free to make their own choices and mistakes, and be responsible for those decisions, then I agree with you.
If you’re saying that you think people should be free to make their own choices and mistakes, and be responsible for those decisions, then I agree with you.
Agreed. Go in. But there are times when you can’t go ALL IN. She like, transformed into a Hotepticon.
I mean, i see what youre saying but its cosmetic shit, that comes fairly quick just by playing. While it might be shitty of them, it shouldnt by any means be a dealbreaker... especially this community with the shit ton of articles ive seen on the first game since that release
Game on trolls, you got a vocal minority of basement dwellers who can’t tell names apart and he has fricking Data.
These are great... but sometimes I find myself reading too much into this kind of thing after reading an article like this. For example, I’ll read this and go home and then start to fret my boyfriend and I are destined to not work out because when we are watching TV and he’s looking at his phone and I lean over to…
Jesus goddamn motherfucking almighty Christ, this fucking goddamn fucking thing just fucking refuses to fucking die.
I’d think twice if it was Spinal Tap.
Where Do You Start Shaving Your Face First?
No, there is another...
Spiritually exhausting indeed. I guess some of us are old enough, middle class and white enough to still cringe at the violation of American Civil Religion symbology. I don’t go to church much but my bible still sits on the good shelf. I think this mess is a farce but I would still take George W on an aircraft carrier…
I am 100% certain that until this happened, and for a while afterward until some hapless aide finally got him to be begrudgingly convinced, he had no idea that Puerto Rico was part of the United States. None.
“You idiots”
Yes, I do think the game is fine the way it is. You don’t need to be a “hardcore” player to play the end-game content, and that content is tough/accessible enough to cater to both types of players. It’s ok to want more from a game, but people also need to recognize that those players complaining about there needing to…
People need to remember that it’s 100% OK TO TAKE A BREAK FROM PLAYING DESTINY 2 to play something else. You’re not paying a subcription fee for this game, even though it shares most other aspects of MMORPGs. If you get to the end game and run out of things to do, GREAT. Go play something else and wait a month for the…
idk probably for the same reason they call car chases in movies “car chases” instead of “scripted car movements designed to look like a chase”????
Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices
Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...
/months and months of headlines and discussions about about health care and North Korea and the environment and white supremacy and Russian hacking and sexual assault and and and
It’s not about whether I believed him. Jezebel is rightly steadfast against sexual assault and harassment, and that a man says it was him in any tone and Jezebel’s response is “Nah” and instead piles onto a supposed suspect they pulled out of their ass is ridiculous.
I’m looking forward to the journalistic investigation. Meanwhile, I guess I’ll see how this witch hunt plays out.