
Passengers started that trend.

Mystique looked weird walking around naked when her classic comic book look is so good. Yet another crappy thing to hold against Bryan Singer (and continued via First Class alumina).

They ought to act like bros from this point on, but the trite romantic overtone persists and builds up to a kiss both characters instantly regret.

I’ll got to bat for Episodes, which Matt Le Blanc showed us all that he can act.

Scream, Scream 2 and maybe The Longest Yard (Courtney Cox in the first five minutes of that).

Personally I’d like to see Jackman and Reynolds remake Tango and Cash (with Stallone and Russell playing the bad guys).

Ryan would be Tango, as the idea of Hugh annoying him would be funnier.

For me Origins is trying to tell three different Wolverine stories at once:

Yeah but that proved to be impossible for that fella.

I feel like you missed the open goal of “Adam J: Zoe Saldana Blows Me”.

....and then comments under the articles are sweet.

I come to battle with Peter Capaldi. I think he was the best of the NuWho, but was saddled with some awful stories.

Three Kings, Out of Sight and I thought Money Monster was pretty good too.

I’d say that gag was written and shot well before the complaints about working practices came out. Still a bit tone deaf though.

Cool fact, hope all is good with you.

“Walther PPK, 7.65 millimeter. Only three men I know use such a gun. I believe I’ve killed two of them.”

RIP to a Scottish legend. I think first remember seeing him in BBC’s Tutti Fruiti (alongside Emma Thompson). Cracker showed what brilliant straight actor he could be, but a lot of his best work was done in comedy.

How dare you, that was a Carter administration reference!


I thought the finale was great and it made me laugh. Sure maybe the VFX joke was tone deaf in light of recent worker complaints, but that finale was conceived well before then.

Knowing that is somehow worse than not knowing. Man alive Hollywood is stupid.

That’s weird I tweeted that quote earlier, because it was stuck in my head after going through this slide show.