
Rebel Moon is going to change the hierarchy of rip off Star Wars films.”

The two of those going to Nolan himself, Best Director and Best Film, are his first two BAFTAs ever, despite the fact that he is a prominent and successful British director (perhaps the lack of recognition was payback for Nolan’s brother being American).

To be fair to the makers, there are lots of good non-Doctor Doom villains that FF could fight.

Buffy was fine IMO, but I didn’t get the hype/love for the show. For that I blame Entertainment Weekly who seemed to go on about the show a lot.

To quote a line from spoof Acorn Antiques documentary

We professionals notice - Joe Public never clocks a damn thing”

I don’t have an issue with single self contained episodes alongside overall season arc, which I think season 1 Buffy perfectly does.

I’m old too and grew up watching those shows or at least the one’s that made it to the other side of The Pond. My issue with that model is the gaps during September to May schedule where repeats are slotted in to pad things out.

That’s on top of the filler episodes that don’t really do anything and only seemed to have

Fair point about JJ, though that may be due to Marvel’s old model of not having show runners for the tv projects.

Even within a 13 ep run, there can be space for the odd ‘case of the week’ episode. I always refer back to first season of Buffy, which still managed to have single one off stuff, alongside the season long

No thanks.

10-13 episodes is perfectly fine. That’s long enough and cuts down on the filler episodes that serve no purpose other than allow the show makers to coast until the important/more interesting episodes are made.

Also having say 13 episodes a season, should allow the network channels (BBC/ITV/Channel 4 in UK and

How about a nice game of chess?

Yeah I find MotOE a bit boring and/or convoluted. I find it harder to rewatch, as I really can’t stand the solution (unless we go with the dubious not true version of events).

While Suchet is the top tier Poirot, I actually like Ustinov’s first two appearances over Finney’s one and done version.

Now playing

Evil Under The Sun is probably more fun than Ustinov’s Death on the Nile, mostly due to this classic scene.

He was crazy like a fool...

In Battleships defence, it was quite good. The fact they actually shoe horned in a scene where characters were effectively doing the board co-ordinates thing is somewhat impressive.

That Walt Disney fella doesn’t sound like a nice guy.

I wonder if Ryan’s vague suggestion of a Glee reboot might now happen?

Totally. The X-Men are popular today not because of anything Stan or Jack did, but because of what Chris Claremont and his subsequent collaborators did (there’s a reason the original X-Men got cancelled).

He just needs to follow Ewan McGregor rule of ‘one for them, one for me’.

That vid misses out Jenifer Lewis, she’s the original ‘one and done’ PoC on Friends. She was Monica’s co-worker who she complained to about the gang liking her new boyfriend more than she does.

Okay Kevin.