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If it had been Clarkson who said that, it would have been a synonym for suicide.

Short Time, classic pull!

FUCK YOU! That’s my movie!!!

Let me be the first to guess that the guy in the basement is the Butcher and he killed the guy’s wife two years ago.

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The last best one was the 2019 one for that exact reason

Agreed. No one wants to squint past the dancers in the foreground to see the list; I don’t know why they insisted on doing it this way again.

“It makes Battle Beyond the Stars look like Message from Space!"

Getting some Dwayne “Black Adam was actually a resounding triumph” Johnson vibes from this.

Now THAT is a throwback.

That body-swap training montage in ‘The Marvels’ is some of the most fun I’ve had watching a superhero film in ages. If I have to be in the minority for really enjoying that film, well, so be it.

Molecule Man ftw!

To hell with Doom. I’m only watching this if the Villains are the Red Ghost and his Super-Apes. You can’t go wrong with an elderly communist who can walk through walls wielding a baboon who can turn into a gun. 

I just couldn’t deal with the writers reusing the ‘mystical being seeks out the Charmed ones then dies’ trope. Leprechauns, Mermaids, Muses, they did the same plot over and over and nobody ever called the show or the writers out for how lazy that was. 

Witches be crazy.

Remember when I said I’d notify you last?

  • Arius : Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won’t that be nice?
    Jenny Matrix : Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

I want high concept romcoms.

I think there’s a difference between “filler” episodes and “stand-alone” episodes.  I’m sure which is which is in the eye of the beholder, but the former, to me, is when it seems obvious that this episode is just to pad out the episode count, while the latter is focused on fleshing out the world and the characters.  

“just stick that on it’s chest, it will look good”

We all know that the proper way to do special effects for ‘Doctor Who’ is to raid the BBC stationery cupboard and make the week’s monster out of whatever you can glue together.