
I’ll try and give it a watch the next time it pops up on a BBC channel, who usually show it over here in UK.

Genuine question: is the original version any good? I remember reading a review in an old Time Out film reviews book and they slated it as boring (or words to that effect).

Apparently this issue came out in September 1982, if that helps pinpoint things.

It’s ‘hand job’.

Vexed was brilliant. More people should have watched that show.

“That whole car chase scene was glorious.”

I’m willing to believe Vincent D’Onofrio actually filmed that scene, he seems like the fun type of person who’d do that.

Yeah I saw that featurette and I was confused, thinking “they never showed that!”.

This episode was basically Maya’s “I think this is my super villain origin”.

She asks a good question.

Now playing

Yeah, as good as it’ll be to see Wilson Fisk again it won’t top this.

I love the idea that either Scott Lang or Hank Pym had to brand the embiggening arrow. Is there any point in having the arrowhead bear the “PYM” logo? No. Is it cool to look at just before it’s fired? Yes.

Hands down the best part of this episode was the use of Clint’s trick arrows. Finally we get to see the goofy stuff that had been missing from MCU version of Hawkeye, nice added touch having signature purple colour for the various different ones.

I appreciate Kate acknowledging the fact that Kazi (Fra Fee) is hot, although I’m currently unsure if his connection to Maya is supposed to be flirtatious, familial, or just boss/underling.

Ah so like the Aristocrats jokes, but actually useful?

He’s really good in that scene, gives us bit of personal backstory and then slips back into ‘Ted-mode’ for which most of his detractors think of as his acting limit.

If only Brian Cant hadn’t failed his French Lieutentant’s Woman audition.

I’m so glad Play Away was mentioned, that was very decent kids telly.

Best to skip over that film tbf.