
I’ll stick up for Denise Richards and say I didn’t think she was bad in TWINE.

Yep it was a typo. Annoyingly I only spotted it well after the time limit for editing had passed.

Yeah pretty much. It’s a shame the montage scene from XMO: Wolverine missed this period in their decades long feud. It would have given them some much needed levity

Typo alert: that should say

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Having watched the complete Cornetto Trilogy, hindsight makes ask why Roger Moore was cast in Shaun of the Dead.

Brosnan, the ultimate in-betweener, is seemingly considered almost nobody’s favorite.

Now playing

I know it’s not relevant to this updated RR, but this scene is still comedy gold

Killing off Strucker was one of the more stupid ideas that Joss had in AoU. The other being to team up Hulk and Black Widow for an undercooked love story.

Colin Corner: Feels like the chances of them circling back to that random Grindr line are getting pretty thin, but they did close the loop on his Lambo being way too much car for him, so I’m not giving up hope yet.

Isn’t this more on Sony than Marvel?

Katy Perry’s one, with surprise appearance by Missy Elliot was very good.

Counterpoint: Rocky II is the best Rocky movie.

Sex Panther vibes.

I don’t think it was a “do this or you’re fired” kinda thing. I think it was more “hey Sam do it for the fans, they’ve been crying out for Venom to appear since the first movie”.

Still never understood why Raimi agreed to include Venom — a character he clearly had no interest in. I understand he was getting heavy pressure from the studio, but he had just delivered them back to back blockbuster home runs. I find it hard to believe they would have fired him after that.

Venom is simultaneously a bad film and an entertaining one.

9 to 5, that she just knocked out for the movie, is way cleverer than it has any right to be.

Yep me too. On the odd chance that I post something interesting and it generates a really good reply, there’s no way to respond and that is just left hanging in the Kinja Void to fester.

Part 2 aka Infinity War gave us Demogoblin, hands down the best thing to come out of that crossover mini series.