
It may have been a later trailer or the international one released in
UK was slightly different, but it included the FedEx gag “I don’t know where she’s going, but she’ll be there by 9am tomorrow”.

That for me was the funniest part of the film. That meant it dragged a bit when there was still a good 20 minutes left

“Not” a bad film per se.

Just scanning through both of their imdb pages over the last two days and it appears George and Jessica were both in something called Retired at 35.

I still had hope that she would play Morgan Le Fay again in the current MCU Dr Strange film. Alas it was not meant to be, especially as they wasted the character on Elizabeth Hurley for tv.

I may have said this before, but there’s a good two hour movie hidden in the middle of this three hour bloat.

Yeah Sharon Carter ended up being short changed as a character after Scarlett’s decision to change her mind and do Winter Soldier. I believe Sharon was supposed to get the storyline(s) that ended with Natasha in that film, meaning they had nothing for Sharon bar the undercover stuff and Steve’s neighbour and being one

Sure that isn’t the route I expected Black Widow’s solo movie to go down, but dammit I’m still gonna watch it.

Marvel rescheduling their films during a pandemic

Expect maybe a 10 year old John Hammond, who thought “maybe one day I’ll build a park filled with these creatures?”

Am I the only person seeing Michael Caine in that poster?


I guess this isn’t a joke article then?

Hey Peter Jackson, I can watch this film twice in a row and not be the slightest bit bored.

When a film is good it’s good, when a film is bad it’s bad. When it’s good, it’s got the correct length no matter what it is. When it’s bad, any length is wrong.

Nick Fury was the Man on the Wall though, wasn’t he based on the Moon at the time?

Oh yeah the prevailing view from Twitter is that new Cap looks like Carl Fredricksen

I think this first episode was okay. Not bad and not spectacular either. Tonally this could easily be the first hour of a Winter Soldier sequel, which isn’t a bad thing.

Also Tripp from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. said that his grand father was one of the Howling Commandos. Sadly we never had it confirmed which one it was. Gabe Jones was the obvious choice, but I’d have liked the randomness of it being Dum Dum.

I thought he wasn’t credited as director?

I missed The Grinch taking the top spot.....as the worst film.

MJ in the Raimi films is just a bit dull, that’s not on Kirsten who did the best with the material she was given.