
Understandable, you could skip his scenes if that helps.

Hmm I’m probably barking up the wrong tree, but Paul Bettany said in a recent interview that there’s a surprise guest upcoming in the show. I’d assumed he was referring to a fellow MCU actor, but now I’m wondering if maybe it could be a sitcom legend.

I er...found a way to watch Have Nots, don’t think it’s got a UK broadcaster (maybe BET UK?)

Erm...Bob Newhart?

The show nowhere near a ‘Black Downton Abbey’, I think a more realistic term would be that it’s Dallas/Dynasty esq but with the pacing of a US daytime soaps.

Tyler Perry is very good in non Tyler Perry movies. Gone Girl is the best thing he’s done, while his Star Trek cameo was okay.

Also I might have put too much thought into this lmao

I’m kinda glad they don’t cover Uncle Ben in the MCU films. The Spiderman origin story has been done so many times I’m fairly certain even uncontacted tribes in remote parts of the world know it.

Yeah all Norman needed was a pair of decent glasses.

Blade is a good example of this. The effects in that film look really ropey, granted that’s a late 90's film in this instance.

Exactly my thoughts. For all its faults, Phantom Menace feels like the film Lucas wanted to make. Clones feels like a compromise which explains why it was cheered at the time but has found its reputation going downhill since.

Spidey’s parents are interesting in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5, that random Untold Tales of Spider-Man and the brief period when they came back from the dead (before it was revealed they were robots).

I prefer Jurassic Park III over The Lost World, it’s short sharp fun.

There’s even a What If issues from the 1970s (1980s?) where he stops the Burglar and continues on with his showbiz career and becomes a Hollywood douchebag - alienating his family, destroying Jonah’s career, and turning out into a pretty rotten person.

I’m guessing it wouldn’t have been too difficult to have an in-movie reason for Norman to be wearing a latex mask (or have his skin turn green). Alas we’ll never know.

I’m tempted to say gave up, as we all know he didn’t want Venom in that film.

I thought the quips were one of the things that worked best in Webb’s Spider-Man films.

I know they conceptualized a Green Goblin that looked more like his comic book appearance and for whatever reason couldn’t do that, but I wonder why Willem wasn’t just given a latex mask or had his face painted green?

Yeah Into the Spider-Verse made me like Spider-Man 3's more ridiculous scenes a lot more.

All Spider-Man movies should have something as fun as pumpkin grenades being lobbed left, right and centre.