
What I’m hearing is, you want a King of Queens movie.

Set It Off (clearly not a romcom) is the closest we have to that right now. Even then she’s only a quarter of the overall film arc.

Ranking Queen Latifah + male rapper love interest films

They don’t have to be imaginary, but they can be overblown. I could just as easily say Oswalt was being biased because he and Goyer are buddies. Or that there may be truth to Snipes’ perspective because the time frame syncs with a Marvel that was sometimes a little racist, before Kevin Feige took over.

Then try 1941, it’ll make you appreciate all his good films even more.

Okay that makes sense, cheers.

Highest new entry!

Erm....so how is SPR the box office champ over Armageddon. What figures are AVC using?

....but I wanted an Armageddon write up. That film is crazy stupid fun.

E.T. is his masterpiece, even allowing for the overly manipulative third act.

I’ll defend Rush Hour with my last breathe, very good funny film. Chris Tucker is just the right side of bearable and has great chemistry with Jackie Chan.

Apart from the dodgy American accent, Lee Evans is really good too. I kinda wonder why after Mousehunt and Mary, he never made a bigger breakthrough in US films.

I think that was the Academy’s way of saying sorry for her not winning for Mrs Brown. I mean Helen Hunt is erm....good in As Good As It Gets, but even she felt Judi Dench should have won Best Actress.

I like that, sometime films shouldn’t have to spoon feed the audience what’s going on. I didn’t like the change of card game to poker for Craig’s Casino Royale, leave it as created by Fleming (IMO).

Everybody in The Rock was on their game, Michael Bay couldn’t muck it no matter how hard he tried.

Well in that case “When I kill, its on the specific orders of my government. And those I kill are themselves killers.”

The running joke of Henry constantly calling Indy ‘Junior’ has a great pay off when he finally calls him Indiana to make him give up on the grail.

This doesn’t look like the Paddington sequel I was hoping for.

Whoopi seemed to do a good job, at least that’s how it played out over this side of the Atlantic.

Nobody works on a movie in any capacity halfheartedly. You all do it and you want it to be successful.