
I can’t wait to see Black Panther, but I can’t really see the point of all these articles on review scores/averages.

Judging by popular gossip, which Boy George I think confirmed in one of his autobiographies, George Peppard and Mr T didn’t get at all. Coupled with George’s apparent part in reducing Melinda’s role (to the point that she quit) you get the impression he was a massive dick on the show.

Yeah deffo a rom-com.

Yeah you’re probably right about L&B, it doesn’t quite fit the ‘com’ part of rom-com.

I guess you could read that two ways :)

I should learn to read posts below before posting, basically I’m repeating what you’ve said.

Doh I completely blanked Hitch, which I really like. That would be a good one especially the behind the scenes stuff about who was an acceptable female lead to play opposite Will. Not sure if this is 100% true, but I’d heard that Jada (his effing wife for crying out loud!) and Cameron Diaz both got vetoed as hard

Colin Firth was ‘hot’ the moment he stepped out of a lake in Pride and Prejudice. That’s when his profile rose to leading man status (well at least to us Brits).

It’s certainly not exempt from the problems of representation in romantic comedies, which raises questions about who gets to see themselves as the heroine (questions I plan on digging into throughout this column).

My big issue with Bridget Jones’s Diary was why it starred Renee Zellweger instead of Kate Winslet.

I like the story (what there is of it) in Returns more than Batman ‘89. Penguin is slightly underwritten, but there is a good parallel narrative between Oswald and Bruce’s upbringings. Selina is damaged, but it’s fun seeing her get her revenge against the film’s true villain Max Shreck.

They weave exposition and action sequences really well, and the setings are naturalistic enough not to demand a huge leap get immersed, but maybe I needed that leap? Or I’m just sick of the whole genre and need to give it up indefinitely.

Not being as familiar with Batman’s mythos as I am now, I just assumed that Joker really was responsible for the Wayne’s death. Looking back it does seem very silly and neat, but at the time I liked it.

“Go, go, go with a smile!” - as remixed/misquoted by Batdance.

Correction. Was.

I will not hear a bad word against Batman ‘66 movie (even if it does sag a bit in the middle).

Prince’s Batman soundtrack is only good for fighting zombies that have sprung up over night in north London.

It’s okay we can blame it all on the Frank Miller interpretation.

I remember being pissed that the new Batman film wouldn’t have Adam West in it.

“Who? What are you?”