
That was possibly the worst and dullest opening to an episode of HTGAWM. I love Jimmy Smits, but man alive Isaac’s storyline is uninteresting a serious drag on this season.

Jean Grey isn’t Cable’s mum, Madelyne Pryor is.

Not sure if this is a sly reference to Margot Kidder and Richard Pryor’s affair around the time of Superman III.

So was Oswald...

Worst episode of Prison Break ever!

I’m starting to think that the writers don’t know what they want to do with DeVoe. His (her?) grand plan involves having 11 metahumans powers to reshape the world (I’m guessing). The problem for me was, I don’t care.

I did not know that, cheers for the info.

I was always confused by why some random American was teaching in East End London, but it was hardly the worst British (?) film of the 60's.

The highlight being Robbie Coltrane’s unintelligible Scottish accent. Odd that no two members of Daphne’s family had the same accent (apart from her mum and dad).

Don’t forget

“I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill.....”

“not sure”

TV spot was okay, other than seeing Karen Gillan I’m sure there was any major new reveals.

It’s annoying but you can see why they do it. If they don’t show the actor’s face, it could be anybody under that suit. Then the studios might as well get the actor to do voiceover work and leaving the stunt people to do all the actions scenes.

I agree the trailer looks good and I can’t wait to watch the film. I’m just a bit disappointed that this a continuation of plots from M:I4 and M:I5. I prefer the completely stand alone stories of 1 to 3 (even though 2 is rubbish).

The moustache is self aware

Look the only reason most of us are going to watch this is to find out the plot relevant reason for Henry Cavill’s moustache.

My emotions!

“...but it’s too late, I’ve seen everything.”

As bad as some of the MCU films have been (Thor 2, Incredible Hulk possibly Age of Ultron) I’ve not been as let down as I was with Suicide Squad. The only good thing I can say SS is that it made me appreciate BvS more (which I didn’t hate as much as general comic book fans).