
I saw the trailer for Peter Rabbit before watching (the underwhelming IMO) Early Man this week, I wasn’t wowed by what I saw.

I think it’s possible to be wary of true life events being co-opted/embellished by either right or left without necessarily being anti US.

UK tv is currently doing another repeat showing of 3rd Rock weekday morning and I’d forgotten Danielle was one of Dick’s students in his college class. Just yesterday Channel 4 broadcast the episode where the Soloman’s accidentally joined a white supremacist rally (which is funnier than it sounds).

Yes, yes I do mean Kevin Conway. Brain freeze on my part.

Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine need to do a proper comedy film together, whenever the two of them are on press junket for latest Star Trek movies it’s always pretty funny.

I like that DC and Marvel are working together to give us similar SFX visual gags. This felt like an extended promo for Ant Man and the Wasp, it’s nice when the Big 2 comic companies get on.

Telepathic Cecile is the gift I never knew I needed. This week’s episode was all kinds of fun and the joy on Cecile’s face when she was reading people’s minds was brilliant.

Goldberg should have been Crusher ‘Absorbing Man’ Creel in MCU, he’d be perfect for the role. It’s a shame it looks like his off the show now, as it would have been nice for Barry to have a friend on the inside. Though with this week’s ending we wouldn’t have seen much of Iron Heights now Barry’s secret is out.

I’ve never seen his portrayal, so I can’t judge.

I know it’s not the done thing to like Family Guy round these parts, but I doubt any sequel to TPotC will ever be as good as the spoof version that Seth MacFarlane & Co came up with.

That’s Silver Surfer’s human form, this is an early reboot of Fantastic Four universe.

Ant music? That’s lost its taste, try another flavour.

Seeing as the Time gem is a thing in MCU, I wouldn’t be too surprised if we saw Peggy again.

The Fat Controller got that way by eating his victims.

The obvious thing to do would be to move Solo to Christmas, but maybe Disney are scared that they’ll look weak by moving from their original release slot?

I was really hoping that Tom Hanks would gatecrash the premiere, because I like a good Forrest Gump callback..

Isn’t that just original Superboy/Lex timeline?

Lex and Lois together? Reminds me of season 1 of Lois and Clark.

Is this how SkyNet becomes self aware?

They totally should do that, it’s not like it hasn’t been established that other versions exist (think loser Barry married to detective Iris on Earth 2).