
Speaking of lame attempts at keeping your identity secret, how come no one else has clocked on that Guardian is James like Cat did?

As mentioned above it made no sense for Kara not to mention that she had a dream that told her who one of the world killers were.

Don’t worry Morgan has got an ace lawyer to represent him.

I really hope Morgan will make future appearances. If this was his final defeat, he was a complete waste of a character.

“...but you didn’t do anything.”

I think you mean best superhero movie ever made. Honourable mentions to Batman Returns, Blade 2, X2, Spider-Man 2 and Hellboy 2.

That is an acting masterclass from Reeves. He does so much with so little.

“Isaac has just never clicked as a character, and his backstory seems merely convenient for the sake of plot.”

I’m not convinced that juror jumping on the table and losing the plot actually happened during OJ trial.

Yeah, it’s us Ewok fans who love Ralph.

Yep, I reiterate my desire for season 5 of The Flash to be spin on Batman ‘66 series with just a collection of 2/3 parters focusing on a different meta.

“The film that cost Eddie an Oscar win for Dreamgirls” was too wordy

Too late, Lucinda Janney is now sitting patiently by the phone waiting for her Oscar ceremony invite.

This time I want six alternate endings, not three.

I loved the original Clue film. Very silly, very fun.

I was confused by a lot of the Psi stuff this week. First I thought she’d fiddled with the dampener so Kara wouldn’t realise it wasn’t working. Then the whammy thing with Irma I thought was a mind swap.

I’m kind of annoyed that Hollywood (or maybe it’s the general English speaking cinema fans) feels the need to adapt/redo a foreign language film.

I liked some tracks on it, but overall I felt the album was ‘okay’.

Rejoice people fore we the return of Necessary Nate Nakedness. Let’s just bleach our minds of the slight possibility that Bonnie and Nate did anything other than drink with each other.

Tbf they’re not very good lawyers, well maybe Laurel is. The rest not so much.

Geez I hope not, Savitar ended up being such a drag of a character. I hope we never revisit that.