
Rihanna was fine in Battleship.

The trailer highlighting her saying “Boom” wasn’t a true reflection of her okay performance. Nobody is great in the film.

Why can’t this be a live action?


I get that this is the perfect deal for a lot of folks, but it’s certainly better than some of the other options.
One company owning so much media isn’t exactly brilliant, but I don’t think its be that bad in the long run.

That speech at the end of ‘Game Night’ was enough for the episode to earn the A grade all on its own.

Though occasionally they will hide a Mandarin type plot twist.

It was a 90's tv show starring Adrian Pasdar. Shame it never found an audience.

He should have ripped off ER too, though I struggle to see what sort of Hollywood film that could have been.

It was the 80's.

Hmm I’m wondering whether Denver will be the latest big name star on the sexual harassment scandal cycle.

Love that 80's fashion. Also you can tell the black kid is the cool one because he’s leaning to the side and has crossed his arms & legs.

Yep I’m up to date on Discovery. After the initial settling in period I really like it.

She’s basically Rosalind Shays in space for season 2, minus the lift shaft death.

“Shatner’s acting ..... is also a little far out.”

I liked Voyager for returing (IMO) to something like the original discovery themes of the TOS. However on rewatch a large number of Voyager’s episode are pretty samey. Holodeck episode, oh look here’s the Borg again, Harry’s really found a way to get us home this time, here’s some new species who we can trade with on

Finally a “worst something” Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise don’t have claim to.

Are you happy that he’s left Marvel or that he’s joining DC?

Yep all I’m interested in a decent FF film. As it stands only Roger Corman’s little seen cash grab come close ‘getting it’.

That makes Cap Kenneth Williams, his mortal foe (at least until Adam Warlock shows up).

I noticed M’Baka in the background, which is a bit odd as I thought he was a rival/foe for T’Challa.