
My favourite part is when GotG try to get a drunk Iron Man to fly them to Thanos’s headquarters.

Yeah I was trying to work out the maths on that one too.

Captain America against Superman?

I recommend reading Jim Shooter’s writing for the original Secret Wars mini series. I never noticed until it was pointed out by someone on the internet that all fourteen sentences end in either an exclamation point or a question mark.

It’s just a tiny bit confusing for my addled brain. Team Flash (well Eddie) defeats Thawne by wiping him out of existence, yet everything he did up the end of season 1 still happened.

Ah right.

“Seeing the Thinker attach himself to his chair and helmet made me think of Darth Vader’s reconstruction from Revenge of the Sith, only without the burnt flesh, missing limbs, cybernetic replacements, haunting breathes, etc.”

Joey and Chandler would be impressed.

I think there’s such a thing as due process, which would prevent them from doing even slightly what you suggested.

I liked thatt Starfish was used to fight the Avengers in #1 of JLA/Avengers.

Off topic: I’d love to see an animated (condensed) version of the JLA/Avengers mini series.

As I said last week, I’m still confused as to how original Wells is dead if Thawne is erased from the timeline.

Not sure it was mentioned in the review, but the person stealing Iris’s dissertation has to be Barry from the future right?

Unless I’m totally forgetting that scene already existing and it just being a random mugger (which is very possible).

I’m a bit confused, I thought getting banned from Fox News would be a good thing.

Yeah it did seem like TPTB were going to ‘go there’ with Bonnie and Nate, which would have been all kinds of weird. It was bad enough Bonnie constantly saying she loved Annalise, as I’m still not sure she meant love-love or love-like-a-mother-love.

Simon’s coming out was a bit confusing, as I was under the impression he was already out. Like you he’d be hinting that he was interested in Oliver (even before this season). That being dropped as a plot twist seemed very odd.

“I’d also suggest Captain America (1990).”


Fair point.

Yeah pretty much. Leaving aside his current fall from grace, I really liked Spacey’s take on Lex Luthor.

Isn’t he down to do Batgirl? I think the character (and I assume Gotham setting) will make it unlikely that film will flop.