
I kinda want to see West Family Story: A Tale of Semi Incest, we could even include Cecile and her daughter (the whole has a thing for Kid Flash).

To me that kind of implied that dream world Barry was saying he was gay, though liking musical shouldn't mean that.

All future episodes of The Flash need to include a meta song by Rachel Bloom.

So what you're saying is we should cancel all the CW shows and have lots more of DCEU?

Hey White Chicks is a funny film, no matter how stupid the premise.

Isn't he President there yet? As seen in that vision of the future (or present as far as DC at the time was concerned).

Mercedes sang the odd song, had a brief thing with Sam before he got passed over to Rachel and then found a Christian boyfriend who never appeared on screen.

Isn't evil Taylor Swift just regular Taylor Swift?

Sister and Lover!

What KLC said.

Didn't that already happen with Laurel last season?

I stuck with it to the bitter end, because there was always one thing to like (Santana, Dave, dickish Sebastian). Glee stopped being proper fun for me after season 2, as the show disappeared more up it's own arse and RIB lost interest in telling coherent stories.

Viola Davis playing an incompetent character does not compute.

Clue much much better and is one of my favourite films.

Arrow referenced Avengers: Age of Ultron in a round about sort of way last year.

Thankfully well Dean Cain, the chemistry between those two was great on Lois and Clark.

In an alternate universe some David Duchovny was Reed Richards in a good faithful adaptation of Fantastic Four, but the universe doesn't want me to have good things.

Ok wow, didn't know that.

I wanted more Maggie in the Lyra plot, but was glad we got to see a bit of her work life.

So so episode for me, pretty much felt like filler before tonight's main event.