
That's actually the least repulsive photo I think I've ever seen of the guy.

So do you guys have Brawny brand paper towels? 'Cause that'd be weird.

I actually called my (republican) representative and left messages about how much I was offended by Bannon's presence. And you're right, now it's like, "Big whoop…"

The whole thing is gold.

I don't think resigning gets him out of trouble here (hopefully). I mean, we're talking about treason and a who-knows-how-long laundry list of other offenses.

He got into a Twitter kerfuffle a few years ago. I can't remember if what he said was racist or sexist. But it certainly wasn't flattering for him.

Eh, whatever floats your boat. Two wheels is two wheels.

Try it again. Rent a scooter. You'll love it.

Yes. Because attention seeking is the only reason to ride a motorcycle.

I'm sorry you are joyless and petty. That must suck.

Maybe that's why he gets his steaks well done. It's the only flavor that doesn't clash with the constant, burning-toast smell caused by the ongoing, protracted stroke he's clearly suffering from.

I have, in the past, believed in the possibility that, as we die, our sense of time becomes warped to the point where our final thoughts seem like eternity. So, you know, think happy thoughts on the way out.

I've always wondered what the people who treat life like it's a dress rehearsal do when the end comes and they realize it's nothing but the Void on the other side.

Every picture I see of that guy looks worse than the previous one. Are we sure he doesn't have leprosy or some other flesh-eating disease?

Is Stan Lee a CEO? 'Cause I think they had that article earlier.

"But it basically plays the entire human experience as cogs in a giant machine that no humans can ever appreciate, because we're too busy being ground down in the service"

Who said anything about 3am? I didn't. I'm in bed at that hour, thank you very much. Tell me what you're imagining when I said that I romp on my bike sometimes. Time, place, number of people around, the kind of bike, etc. I think you're making a lot of assumptions to fit me into a category of people that you're

There are noise emissions standards for all street legal vehicles. Those guys on the straight piped Harley's could be pulled over and ticketed. My bike is unmodified and as such complies with all regulations. It's not that loud. And agian, I'm mostly doing this stuff out in the country on highways.

If you say so.

So you think all motorcycles should be banned?