
I think you may have some misconceptions about where, when and on what I do this sort of thing. I would never wind up the engine just for shits with a bunch of other people standing around who weren't expecting it. That's asinine. I do this on main thoroughfares where everybody else is in a car or out in the country,

I like a good sounding exhaust on a bike as much as the next gearhead. But some of those straight-piped Harley's are just asinine. And they sound like shit, too.

Holding your own with Foster on the screen is a pretty huge accomplishment, I think.

That was one of my (very) few criticisms of that film. Ben Foster? Great. Yes, that is what white trash psychopaths look like, sound like and act like. Chris Pine? Those baby blues and not being a total moron should have gotten him somewhere in that town.

I think he was certainly supposed to be an under-achiever, at the very least. And I don't think he was OK with everything that happened. He was good to go along with it (it was his plan, after all) right up until people started getting hurt. The end of the movie implies that he is riddled with guilt. Hence his

"I DO support the hunting of Ice T, as that is super rad."

I'm not sure I've noticed either of those things. Good excuse for a re-watch.

OK. I've not seen that.

It's close, I agree.

Evans also has the BEST villain in Scott Pilgrim.

I didn't know he was, nor have I seen him, on Chopped. What happened to that Ted guy? I don't have cable so most of my Food Network viewing was several years ago when I lived in Chicago and could tap into/pirate what my neighbors where watching. I have seen him on Iron Chef and, yeah, he's a little over the top there.


I mean, I guess we should encourage people to grow and learn to recognize the awful things they may have missed or misunderstood before. But still… "Fuck this guy" is my initial reaction to hearing this.

There's some interesting stuff on there. TeamFourStar's DBZ Abridged is easily my favorite thing right now. I watch a lot of motorcycle reviews, clips from the late night shows, in depth movie reviews. There are some great channels for physical fitness, like Athlean-X.

You don't like Alton Brown? Are we gonna fight?

It's a tricky line to toe. But I think it's perfectly reasonable to wish ill upon Nazi's and white-supremacists. If you feel bad about it you could always find and donate to an outreach organization that tries to pull people out of hate groups and rehabilitate them.

My sister was once followed back into her apartment building by a stranger. She lived alone at the time and had been out front having a cigarette. The guy caught the front security door just before it latched and came in right behind her. She got back to her apartment but then had to fight the guy to get her door

This, exactly. That whole thing really bothered me, too. In JJ, he's very strong but not super-human. In LC, he's moving multi-ton chunks of concrete around. "Wait, a minute. What happened here?"

How you make a horde of ninjas underwhelming beats me. But they managed to do it.

I was going to re-watch it again soon but wasn't there some uncertainty about whether or not Killgrave's powers still worked on her? That put things on hold for awhile while they figured that out. Right? Or am I remembering things incorrectly?