
The Southrons were human and described as "swarthy".

Star Wars, yes. LOTR, …ehhhh. Lots and lots of lily white good guys from "noble bloodlines" against a lot dark skinned evil doers.

Hey! I like (not love) anime. I'm not a Nazi. These guys are really fucking up a thing I enjoy and already get enough flak about.

See, I'd have loved to have been at this thing. Think of all the things you could say. The laughing, the pointing. It'd be a riot (not literally, hopefully).


Quick litmus test:

To be fair, 300 is only badass to people who are not huge fucking dorks.

The escape from the hotel is pretty straightforward action. Even if it's played more on the tension side of things.

Hmmm… Honestly, it's been a really long time since I've seen the movie. But I don't remember them ever insinuating or implying that what was being said is over embellished propaganda.

So 300 is fascist and sucks. I can agree with that. But Dredd is fascist and doesn't suck (is quite good, actually). So what's the difference? The jingoism? Xenophobia? The implied racism?

I think you've put way more thought into this than either Snyder or the hordes of alt-right trolls who champion the movie ever have. I understand where you're coming from but the movie never suggests that that's the point. So you have to assume that it's just as earnest in it's self-righteous wankery as it appears.

Holy shit, thank you! I just visited their site and wow! Not all of the styles are what I'm looking for but they're all incredibly talented. It's a little intimidating because they're appointment-only(=$$$) and I'm a total newb at all this. But, hey, if you're gonna go, go for the best, right?

The More You Know…

Based on my experience in national parks, we don't just need signs. Every animal should have its own armed security guard. Because people are dumb as hell.

Anywhere there's prairie dogs, really. The sign outside Badlands Park has a big, bold "PRAIRIE DOGS CARRY PLAGUE!! DO NOT APPROACH!!!" warning.

You should read the comments on fitness videos featuring either Jackman or The Rock. There is plenty of flak thrown their way. (And they're definitely on steroids, not judging, just saying)

We watched that one, too. But I don't remember there being anything that had to be fast forwarded through. Maybe the class took a break while the teacher skipped ahead. I do remember the boys in the class really enjoying the balcony scene.

Our class watched it, too. We didn't skip anything. In fact, I think our teacher paused it frequently so we could talk about all the awful things we were witnessing. That class was supposed to be World History from Napoleon to World War 2. But I think we spent maybe three weeks on everything up to WW2 and then spent

I know the foot is a pretty uncomfortable place to get a tattoo. My ex got the top of her foot done for her first piece and was worthless for three days afterwards. But I want something smaller in a place that's usually covered (I am always shoed and hate flip flops ).

I posted a comment with a question in it on another board and Alien
Jesus recommended I ask that question here as it might be seen by more