
The military has not historically covered gender-transition surgeries, though President Barack Obama did announce plans for it to begin doing so. That cost would be between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually for transition-related costs, according to a RAND analysis commissioned by the Department of Defense.

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

“Someone in the car looked over and said, ‘Gee, look at that, it’s a mugging,’ ” Trump said. “I said to my driver to stop the car because it was brutal-looking.”

So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.

The car chase is by far the action highlight of the movie, but the fight scenes - particularly the finale with the Joker - are nearly incomprehensible.

Whoa, actually he doesn’t!

The amount of cocaine you have to snort to get away with a look like that last photo is truly heroic. It was the piles of snow he brought everywhere that led one of his friends to joke “Winter is coming!” as George arrived, and one thing led to another.

While I enjoyed most of the finale I was left with a lot of questions and there was a bunch of stuff that was just plain hilarious:

Weren’t those pictures pinned to the wall by the detectives?

Elektra and Madame Gao both probably survived.

Foggy: “We just heard someone call in an All Units, to someplace called Midland Circle.”
Trish: “Did you say Midland Circle?”
Malcolm: “Yeah, do you know it?”
Trish: “That was the epicenter.”
Foggy: “Of what?”
Trish: “Of everything.”
Foggy: “...”
Karen: “...”
Malcolm: “So, what, like... the Big Bang, or...?”
Trish: “Sorry, no,

“Once we start that timer, there’s no turning back.”
“Actually, if we really needed to abort we could just pull the detonators out of the C4. It’s a remarkably stable explos—”