
That evidence room not being under lock and key with a custodian guarding it really bothered me. Hell, even Justified, a show that hand waved murder convictions away, showed their evidence room to be closely watched and cataloged.

I thought they had killed him. I didn’t know season 3 was happening already. And, frankly, I tend to not analyze things much as I’m watching them unless there’s an egregious breach of the rules established by the show. If they hadn’t shown that final shot of Matt would I had been surprised if they resurrected him

Hips > Both

Hips > Both

I assumed it had something to do with the process. Like, put them in a cask with this symbol and they come back like they were. Use this symbol and they get a blank slate.

It was definitely an "OH, SHIT!!" moment. This series didn't seem to have quite as many of those as it thought it did. But that one landed.

Speaking of music: The orchestral rendition of Where Did You Sleep Last Night? that starts the next episode is amazing.

And that sucks, too. Because, geographically, it's exactly where I want to live.

…as I just felt like I had used up all my happy juice and would be melancholy or pissy for at least day or two after.

I don't like the 80's aesthetic at all. And am really annoyed that the culture is pivoting back to it. For the most part I stay ensconced in my own world of music that involves a lot of classic and alternative country (not my choice, radio at work) and my own hodge-podge of 90's rock, current garage/blues rock and a

My only guess is that she doesn't want to hurt people too badly. Otherwise, yeah, it's kind of frustrating. Especially since she's supposed to be the super strong one of the group, not Luke. Though we see later that she is capable of things that impress even him.

Soilers for later episodes including the finale, if you haven't watched ahead yet: This issue is especially acute with JJ. She regularly gets knocked around by non-super-powered people, but then throws a dumpster around likes it's my ottoman. In the final episode she leaps up, grabs a cable and hold a multi-ton

I was about to comment the same. "Oh, that's were that sound that I hate with the flaming heat of a thousand burning suns comes from."

Agreed. But man I wish they'd get a handle on these people's powers and limitations. I like the show overall, but that bugs me a lot.

They’ve alluded to the fact that the various members of the Hand have
squabbled, but it still seems a bit weird these immortal partners would
have literally imprisoned one another.

Yeah, but Danny knocked him across an alley. Sowande just hit him hard enough to stagger him. It didn't seem totally out of sync to me.

There was Dinopark Tycoon back when I was in middle school. This looks like that only not 16-bit.

"First, why the hell would Danny call the corporate switchboard instead of just Ward?"

That lady was also easily the worst fake typist I have ever seen anywhere.

Umm… two things?